Purpose This report lists the health expenses registered in a period of time forall employees in an organization, based on the Rembursement>infotype (0896).Selection In the Period >group box, define the period for which you want torun the report. In the Selection> group box, enter the information about theemployee for whom you want to generate the report. In the ADSE> group box, enter information about the receipt andprotocol (report). The report groups the expenses by receipt type. There are three types ofreceipt:
- Type A - Receipts with only one paper sheet, and do not require any
other document.
- Type B - Receipts with more than one paper sheet or that need approving
- Type C - Receipts related to specific tables (spa, transportation,
hospitalization or abroad expenses).Output The header of the report contains the following headings: Company,Company Fiscal Number, Number of Protocol, Date of Protocol, and ReceiptType (A, B or C). The body of the report contains columns for a sequential number, ADSEbeneficiary number (NUB), ADSE beneficiary full name, and health expensereceipt amount. For each receipt, the report shows a sequential number, the number andfull name of the ADSE beneficiary, and the receipt amount.