Description 770 Form for the year 2000 Requirements The RPC770I0 report allows you to run .......... of the 770 form filewith the record types A, B, E and Z. Record type E contains sections SA, SB, SD, SS (the user can create allother sections - SC, SU, SV, etc. using user exits) ............. With this report you can work on the internal level 'company code' oron the sub-levels 'Social Security Code' and 'Work location'. Activating the 'Display selections' field on the selection screen cancontrol the different selections (master) A series of 4 check box allows you to select different possiblesections for the record type E. With the parameter 'File PC'you can save in a file the contents of theTemse (....) generated by the program. Activation of user exits for this program: see 'User Exits'. Preconditions for the correct run of program RPC770I0: When possible, data are read by the clusters (clusters are 'frozen'paths of past events and can be used therefore only once the conditionsare verified). This means that, for the selected period, all RIclusters (payroll) and all B2 clusters (time management) have to beproductive cluster - which means they must contain real data. Thechanges carried out on infotype level in the master without a newpayroll calculation of the relative period will not be registered inthe cluster and the program will therefore not consider them. This is a SAP standard program and it handles the remaining functionsas SAP standard. The changes in the SAP standard functions that canconcern the program and interfere with it are therefore not carried outunder the responsibility of SAP. RPC770I0 program run Run the program activating the 'online' mode for the employees andselecting only one of the 4 available sections (for example, SAsection). The program will run and it will display the view of the generatedtemse file in log format. With the 'Excel' button you can load stored data in Excel files. Thisoperation is not recommended in case of large volumes of data. The 'List' button provides a detailed list of all 'order numbers',sections, subsections, boxes and values calculated by the program. Ifyou wish to download this overview on an Excel or Word file or anyother format, delete rows or reorganise the existing ones, use thisfunction to check the result consistency. The 'Temse' button displays in list format the Temse records A, B, E,Z. If you double click, the system displays a detailed view and thefile downloads of the PC currently in use. This option is necessary toload and select the view of Temse files. The 'Errors' button displays in list format all error logs that havetaken place during the program calculation. The program generates morethan 400 error messages. It is important to CHECK THE ERROR LIST, evenif the results obtained are the expected ones. The modification of thislog has started with the activation of the CUD2000 function. With the 'SD-fr.' button you can display the fractions calculated bythe program in the SD section for each employee. If you do not agreewith the calculation results supplied by the program, you can modifythe fractions by means of USER EXITS (see EXITS). With the 'Body fr.' button you can display the fractions calculated bythe program for every employee in the sections for the different socialinsurance bodies. If you do not agree with the calculation resultssupplied by the program, you can modify the fractions by means of USEREXITS (see USER EXITS). With the 'INPS fr.' you can display the fractions calculated by theprograms in the Social Security sections. If you do not agree with thecalculation results supplied by the program, you can change the f ractions by means of USER EXIT (see USER EXITS). With the 'INDAP-fr.' button you can display the fractions calculated bythe program in the INDAP (Social Security Institute for Public SectorExecutives) sections. If you do not agree with the results supplied bythe program, you can change the fractions by means of USER-EXIT (seeUSER EXITS). With the 'SS sect.' you can display the SS section (totals). User Exits What is a user exit and how to create one: -> The User exit is a section of a customer solution that isincorporated into a SAP standard solution (e.g. part of the customerABAP code inserted in a SAP standard routine.) Who is responsible for this code section: -> The customer is fully responsible for his own 'additions' to thestandard code. SAP AG is responsible for neither creation/use ofexternal data, nor for results obtained from the standard use ofexternal data. How to create a project: How to activate User Exits for the RPC770I0 program How to run 770 without the SAP standard for the Time management How to use box 12 How to modify output results in 'identification data' of section A How to use box 156 in the section 'Social Security Institute for PublicSector Executives' How to use box 157 in the section 'Social Security Institute for PublicSector Executives' How to use 'amendment' in the SD section How to modify fractions for BODY How to modify fractions for INPS/INPDAI (Social Security/SocialSecurity Institute for Industrial Executives) How to modify fractions for INPDAP (Social Security Institute forPublic Sector executives) How to modify fractions for SB section How to modify output results How to modify record type A How to modify record type B How to modify record type E How to modify record type Z Performance problems linked to the use of user exits: User exit number 4 allows you to change result data, to create newboxes, new subsections, new sections and even to delete some boxes.This means that the program needs to modify the calculated results (asalready explained in the 'a' section, this means the modification of avolume of data which can reach 2 Gbytes, with consequent performanceproblems). SAP AG does not take any responsibility for the finalresults after using this or other above mentioned user exits. Required reporting customising As it is always the case for Italian reporting (CUD, F24...), the viewcluster VC_5ITW1 allows you to customise the different wage typeslisted in the 770 form. It is important to remember that the entries'FORM' and 'SECTION' have been carried out by SAP, while the otherentries (wage types and rounded values) are carried out by thecustomer. It is also necessary to remember that many wage types canfill the same box with a positive or negative value. The entryliability/receivables can be used only for form F24. The purpose of the'CHECK' sections is the search of the wage type to be checked for agiven section (for example: 'CHECK WT RIVAL.' with value /3A3 inCUD2000 means that the program has to check the wage type /3A3 to knowif a SI revaluation has taken place for that specific employee). Inrelation to form 770: there are no wage type entries for sections SDand SS (respectively for display frames SD and SS). The reason is thatall necessary wage types for the SD section can be found in the tableT5ITT7, while the section SS is the aggregation of the previouslycalculated sections. On the other hand, it is always possible to enterthe rounding for these two sections. Required functional customising Table T5ITCS: ENTEC: the first two characters identify the employee contributionbody:
- 010: INPS (Social Security)
- 020: INPDAI (Social Security Institute for Industrial Executives)
- 031: INPDAP (Social Security Institute for Public Sector Executives)
040: new domain name for INAIL (National Insurance Institute forIndustrial Accidents) FUND: x or blank to define fund or competence criterion Table T5ITQN: 'Taxation codes and INAIL position'
- CDINA: INAIL position number
- CDINL: INAIL position name
- VIAGG: INAIL: travelling personnel (X means 'travelling')
Table: t503, t5itcs, t5itqn, t5itnj, t5itng, t5itnv, t5iti3, t5itie, Table T5ITNV:
- CIQUIN: identifies INPS level, box 20
Table T5ITNG: This is the basis table for the calculation of the INPS/INPDAI data.The program reads this table using the CTTYP field in the infotype 0016(type of contract). The fields are:
- CODQU INPS Pay scale indicator (check table T5ITNU)
- ASSCO INPS covered insurance
- CDRAP Report code
- CRINP INPS contract code
- ORSET Estimated weekly hours (NOT USED ANYMORE)
- CONTR Insurance pay scale indicator Code
- TPCNR INPS contract
- MATAI INPDAI register number (Register number is read from T5ITNB)
- CDRAI INPDAI relationship type
- ASSCA INPDAI covered insurance
Table T5I30 (using transaction sm30 with view V_T5I30): this new table combines an event with the 'deceased employee' check.For example, event, reason (10/99). The program to determine if theemployee is deceased uses this. Table T5ITNJ: This is the table that regulates all special retributions - The field RETPA must contain the code to be printed on the form Table T536A: This table has originally been created with an address managementfunction in the HR module. In reality the table is now used fordifferent activities:
- Postcode (INAIL, boxes 218, 224)
- Go to sm30 -> v_t536a