Purpose This report converts Census Metropolitan Area (CMA) codes that werestored in the Canadian Taxation> infotype (0224) (at Release 4.6Cor below) for storage in the Additional Personal Data> infotype(0077) in this release.Features This report features two conversion modes, namely:
- Test run> and
- Production run>
Choosing Test run> before executing the report means that no > CMA codes will be converted for storage in the AdditionalPersonal Data> infotype (0077). Choosing Production run> before executing the report means thatCMA codes will> be converted for storage in the AdditionalPersonal Data> infotype (0077).Prerequisites Do not execute this report unless you are upgrading to this release fromRelease 4.6C or below. Also, do not execute this report unless you haveCanadian Taxation> infotype (0224) records from Release 4.6C orbelow whose CMA codes require conversion for use in this release. Furthermore, we recommend that you create a backup TemSe file beforeexecuting the report in Production run> mode. This precaution willallow you to restore any original Additional Personal Data>infotype (0077) records IT0077 records that the conversion process mayinadvertently delete.Selection In addition to standard selection criteria, the report features the twoconversion modes described above. Standard_variants No standard variants of this report are available. Activities Specify the desired personnel range along with the conversion mode thatyou wish to perform, then execute the report.