Purpose This report assists customers who are upgrading from Release 4.6C orbelow to the present release, an action which requires those customersto re-configure their prior Business Number data, as stored at Release4.6C or below. This report allows users to perform pre- andpost-configuration checks of their Business Number data. Features To enable customers to re-configure their Business Number data properly- assuming that they are upgrading from Release 4.6C or below to thisrelease - this report features two check modes, namely:
- Overview of utilized Business Number> and
- Compare 0224 vs. customization (error)>
By executing this report in the first mode - Overview of utilizedBusiness Number> - customers can analyze the storage of their priorBusiness Number data within the Canadian Taxation> infotype(0224), the infotype that processes federal and provincial taxation atRelease 4.6C and below, but that is no longer used in this release. Whenexecuted in this mode, the output of the report assists customers toanalyze their prior Business Number data in preparation forre-configuration. By executing this report in the second mode - Compare 0224 vs.customization (error)> - customers can validate that their priorBusiness Number data has been properly re-configured in this release.Prerequisites Do not execute this report unless you are upgrading to this release fromRelease 4.6C or below. Also, do not execute this report unless you haveBusiness Number configuration data from Release 4.6C or below thatrequires conversion for use in this release. If you are upgrading from Release 4.6C or below and if you have BusinessNumber data that requires re-configuration for use in this release, thenwe strongly> recommend that you execute this report to perform ananalysis of your Business Number data at the prior release and apost-configuration check to validate that your prior Business Numberdata has been properly re-entered for use in this release. Since Business Numbers are no longer stored in taxation infotypes inthis release, it is imperative> that re-configuration of priorBusiness Number data be performed before executing programRPC224K0> to convert Infotype 0224 records to theInfotype 0461 through 0464 format, and - more importantly - before youexecute your first payroll run in this release.Selection In addition to standard selection criteria, the report features the twoconversion modes described above. Standard_variants No standard variants of this report are available. Output As discussed above, depending upon the mode selected, the output of thisreport enables you to analyze the storage of your prior Business Numberdata in the Canadian Taxation> infotype (0224) or to confirm thatyou have properly re-configured this data for use in this release.Activities Specify the desired personnel range along with the check mode that youwish to perform, then execute the report.