Purpose This report converts records that were stored in the CanadianTaxation> infotype (0224) (at Release 4.6C or below) to the fourinfotypes that are used in R/3 Enterprise (Release 4.70) and subsequentreleases to process Canadian federal and provincial taxation, namely:
- The Tax Assignment> infotype (0461)
- The Provincial Tax> infotype (0462)
- The Federal Tax> infotype (0463)
- The Additional Tax Data> infotype (0464)
Features This report features two conversion modes, namely:
- Test run> and
- Production run>
Choosing Test run> before executing the report means that no > Canadian Taxation> infotype (0224) records will be convertedfor the specified personnel range. Choosing Production run> before executing the report means thatCanadian Taxation> infotype (0224) records will> beconverted for the specified personnel range. However, before you maychoose Production run> and then execute the report, you must firstdeactivate the Retroactive accounting relevance for payroll > indicator for Infotypes 0461 through 0464 within view V_582A_D >.Prerequisites Do not execute this report unless you are upgrading to this release fromRelease 4.6C or below. Also, do not execute this report unless you haveCanadian Taxation> infotype (0224) records from Release 4.6C orbelow that require conversion for use in this release. If you are upgrading from Release 4.6C or below and if you haveCanadian Taxation> infotype (0224) records that require conversionfor use in this release, then you must> execute this report toperform the conversion of all necessary Canadian Taxation>infotype (0224) records before you may execute your first payroll run inthis release. Conversely, once all necessary Canadian Taxation> infotype (0224)records have been successfully converted to records in Infotypes 0461through 0464 for use in this release, we strongly> recommend thatyou do not> run this report in the conversion mode Productionrun> again - doing so will cause all successfully convertedInfotype 0461 through 0464 records to be deleted.> We therefore urge you to take special precautions to ensure that youdo not inadvertently re-run this report in the conversion modeProduction run>!> Finally, since Business Numbers are no longer stored in the CanadianTaxation> infotype (0224) in this release, it is imperative>that you review your prior Business Number data (stored in Infotype0224) before executing this conversion program. To this end, westrongly> recommend that you execute programRPC224K1> to analyze the configuration of your priorBusiness Number data.Selection In addition to standard selection criteria, the report features the twoconversion modes described above. Standard_variants No standard variants of this report are available. Activities Specify the desired personnel range along with the conversion mode thatyou wish to perform, then execute the report.