SAP Program RPC224K0 - Convert IT0224 records (at/below 4.6C) to IT046* format (at 4.70)

This report converts records that were stored in the CanadianTaxation infotype (0224) (at Release 4.6C or below) to the fourinfotypes that are used in R/3 Enterprise (Release 4.70) and subsequentreleases to process Canadian federal and provincial taxation, namely:

  • The Tax Assignment infotype (0461)

  • The Provincial Tax infotype (0462)

  • The Federal Tax infotype (0463)

  • The Additional Tax Data infotype (0464)
  • Features
    This report features two conversion modes, namely:

    • Test run and

    • Production run

    • Choosing Test run before executing the report means that no
      Canadian Taxation infotype (0224) records will be convertedfor the specified personnel range.
      Choosing Production run before executing the report means thatCanadian Taxation infotype (0224) records will beconverted for the specified personnel range. However, before you maychoose Production run and then execute the report, you must firstdeactivate the Retroactive accounting relevance for payroll
      indicator for Infotypes 0461 through 0464 within view V_582A_D

      Do not execute this report unless you are upgrading to this release fromRelease 4.6C or below. Also, do not execute this report unless you haveCanadian Taxation infotype (0224) records from Release 4.6C orbelow that require conversion for use in this release.
      If you are upgrading from Release 4.6C or below and if you haveCanadian Taxation infotype (0224) records that require conversionfor use in this release, then you must execute this report toperform the conversion of all necessary Canadian Taxationinfotype (0224) records before you may execute your first payroll run inthis release.
      Conversely, once all necessary Canadian Taxation infotype (0224)records have been successfully converted to records in Infotypes 0461through 0464 for use in this release, we strongly recommend thatyou do not run this report in the conversion mode Productionrun again - doing so will cause all successfully convertedInfotype 0461 through 0464 records to be deleted.
      We therefore urge you to take special precautions to ensure that youdo not inadvertently re-run this report in the conversion modeProduction run!
      Finally, since Business Numbers are no longer stored in the CanadianTaxation infotype (0224) in this release, it is imperativethat you review your prior Business Number data (stored in Infotype0224) before executing this conversion program. To this end, westrongly recommend that you execute programRPC224K1 to analyze the configuration of your priorBusiness Number data.

      In addition to standard selection criteria, the report features the twoconversion modes described above.

      No standard variants of this report are available.

      Specify the desired personnel range along with the conversion mode thatyou wish to perform, then execute the report.

156387References to upgrade notes regarding HR
589474PY-CA: Syntax change to infotype container assignment