SAP Program RPC190E0 - Employment Tax (IRPF) reports

This program is a highly flexible tool for creating all the Income Tax(IRPF) reports for the Internal Revenue Service (forms 190, 110 and 111,non-resident and pensioner forms, certificate of deductions, 395 pensionplans, etc.) in all existing regional formats.
The declaration forms for the internal revenue service are created from:
  • employee payroll results and

  • the data contained in the 'Additional income' infotype (0090).

  • It is also possible to include Financial Accounting (vendors) data.

  • For forms 110 and 111, the periodicity of submission and the type ofform depend of the volume of transactions carried out by the company inthe previous fiscal year:
    • Form 110:

    • Quarterly or six-monthly periodicity.
      • Form 111:

      • Monthly periodicity. Large companies.
        Deduction agents, with a volume of transactions greater than onethousand million pesetas over the previous year.
        You can generate any declaration form in any format, regardless of theformat proposed by the legal person or tax modifier in the 'ResultsSelection' tab in the selection screen. To do so you can select theformat you want for each template in the corresponding tab.

        Selection parameters
        The general data relevant to selecting the employees who should beincluded in the evaluations is entered in the selection parameters,together with specific data relating to the generation of the differentforms.
        You will find detailed information in the F1 help of each field, and inconsulting note no. 445687.

        Displaying the file generated
        If you activate the TemSe button that appears on the screen when you runthis program, a second screen appears with buttons for type 0, type 1and type 2 records.
        If you activate the record 0 button, the system will not displayanything, since it does not support presentation in collective media andwill therefore not have created a record of this type.
        The complet record types 1 and 2 can be displayed by activating thebuttons labeled correspondingly.

        Output options are:

        • List

        • Annual overview
          Forms 110 and 111
          Deductions statement
          Forms 296, 216, 345
          • Data file using the administration of temporary sequential (TemSe) files
          • through the sequential file display and download programRPUTMSE0.

            Further information:
            For further information, see consulting note no. 445687

1608997Improvements in the feature EATRA for arrears treatment
1612440190: Problem during process with employee without payroll
1548442SAP_HR CLC-ES 2011-2
1599415SAP_HR CLC-ES 2011-3
1593089NIF check for models 216 or 296 in the RPC190E0 report
544495CONSULT.: Modelo 345
1445021Deductions Cert. printing wrongly the Legal Person address
1482780Defining SapScript or PDF as default output for Deduc.Certif
958312HR SP ES26: Cambio 105
1564195Problems in Deduction Certificate for different Legal Person
1071282CONSULT: List of tags for Spain notes.
1410277Problems printing Deductions Certificate through PDF form
1532921190: Model 216 is not considering correct periods
1517005Reduction is not being informed in 190 file to Ceuta/Melilla
1502947Retentions Certificate · Error with negative retentions
1496592SAP_HR CLC-ES 2010-03
445687CONSULT.: Informes de Hacienda 2002
1499101Wrong data is being displayed on model 216 of Emp.Tax report
1497843Problems when displaying results of 190 through flat list
1474822Problems on performing the syntax check for RPC190E0 report
1444469Problems in the decrease due to mortgage field in 190
1448437Municipality field is not printing correctly in the 190
1447833BAdI Method GET_TAXES_DATA is not being called in 190
1444960190: Reg. type 1 shows incorrect number of recipients
1308061ES28.8: Incorrect incomes grouping of key 'F' on 110 model
1288093ES28.6: Problems with model 216 in the RPC190E0 report
1254571CONSULT.: HRMS España - Nota de Notas Version 2
1404726Deductions Certificate not well printed for Biscay
1318367Incorrect negative expenses treatment in 190 model
1348831Problems generating 296 model on release 46C
1345207ES28.11: Dump using RPC190E0 program on release 604
1021657CONSULT.: HRMS España - Nota de Notas
1316742ES28.10: Wrong data from infotype 6 (Addresses) in 296 model
1307252ES28.8: Wrong total of employees for 216 model
1299540ES28.6: Missing birthday date for 296 model generation
1298100ES28.6: Mapping keys and subkeys for 296 model
1295271ES28.6: Missing character in line when downloading model 296
1149707ES27.8: New BAdI HR_ES_RPC190E0 to adjusts of taxes results
659744HR SP ES24: Cambio 04
507604HR SP ES22 - Contenido - Content Description
448103HR SP ES21 - Contenido - Content Description
514950HR SP ES22 - Cambio 04
497303HR SP ES21 - Cambio 11
451934HR SP ES20.1 - Contenido - Content Description
412389RFKQST00 qstre-budat are incorrectly filled with doc date
450136HR SP ES20 - Mandatory actions after import
331254CONSULT: Mod. 190 y Cert. Retenciones Ejercicio 2000
375597HR SP ES19 - Content description - Contenido
137511CONSULT.: Anual Tax Report - Form 190
128011CONSULT.: 'IRPF repercutido/ no repercutido'