Description Report RPBTAR00 creates a standard letter informing employees ofchanges in pay (PA40, action 16). It can either be run for a particular day or time period, and showsboth directly and indirectly valuated pay. The start date of action 16 is important for data selection. Parameter P_TEXT Name of the standard text Definition Enter the name of the text module. Parameter P_SIGNAT Signature for the letter Definition Enter the signature that should appear at the bottom of the letter (thesystem replaces underscores with blanks). Parameter P_ANART Type of address (key in T536A) Definition Enter the sender address as specified in T536A. The report displays sequential number A,B,C and D (key consists of thepersonnel area for the personnel number). Table T536A should containentries for address type and personnel area. If you want to print the company code (T001) and personnel area (T500P)as the sender, set the parameter to blank (T536A does not have to bemaintained). Parameter P_ERROR Output error log Definition An error log is printed if you set this parameter. Parameter S_MASSN Action Definition Enter the action(s) for employee selection. |