Purpose With this report you can create employment statements for employees whohave left your company. The employees require this statement in orderfor entitlement to unemployment payments from the employment office. The legal basis for the employment statement is the EmploymentStatement Ordinance (refer to BGBl. No. 301/1996). According to par 46par. 4 AlVG, the employer is required to issue an employment statementfor all employees employed with umemployment insurance. Prerequisites Before you can carry out the report, the following conditions must bemet:
- In Customizing for Personnel Administration> under
Organizational Data> -> Organizational Assignmnent> youmust have processed the section Organizational AssignmentSupplement Austria>
- You have deregistered the former employees with the social insurance
using SI Notification Supplements A> infotype (0367).
- You have carried out the personnel action Leaving> for the former
- You have registered the relevant data in Additional Payments>
infotype (0015) for an employee who received holiday pay or leavecompensation.Features The report creates employment statements for the selected employees iftheir final full-time employment relationship with unemploymentinsurance ends in the selected period. The statements of confirmationare issued as SAPscript forms. The report takes the relevant information from the employee's masterdata. The report does not read the payroll results. The employees' professions are takent from the appropriate record ofSI Notification Supplements (A)> infotype (0367). (Registrationwith social insurance or a change notification for social insurance).If an infotype record does not exist for an employee, employees, thereport takes the name of the profession from the position text or fromthe job text. You can create test or productive forms. If you only want to test theSAPscript form, select the field Test form>. In this case, thereport ignores the Type of statement> that you chose. The testforms are not stored. The statements are identified as test SAPscriptforms. If you want to create a productive form, select the fieldProductive form>. In addition, choose the Type of statement >:
- Original statement>
- Duplicate>
- Correct error> (corrected original statement)
Productive forms are saved to the table T5A9A> (CreatedEmployment Statements (A)). You can only issue one original statement> for each employmentrelationship. If you save an original statement, it is saved to thetable T5A9A> with the value O>. If you later realize that the original statement contains errors, (forexample due to incorrect information in an employee's master data), youcan create a corrected version of this original statement. Thestatement with errors is listed in the table T5A9A> with thevalue S>. The corrected version (the "new original statement") issaved with the value O >. SAP recommends that you take back the original statement witherrors and destroy it. You can create as many duplicates> of saved original statementsas necessary. You can only create one duplicate per day. The forms areidentified as duplicates. Duplicates are saved to the table T5A9A > with the value Z>. If original statements cannot be printed for technical reasons (forexample, due to a broken printer), do not issue a duplicate. In thiscase, delete the saved, but not printed statements from the tableT5A9A>. Afterwards restart the report for these statements. If you want to create a large number of statements, you can printall forms immediately>. The field Individual check of statements> offers you thepossibility to view each statement that the report should create in theprint view. You can decide whether the system should print and storethe statement. In the group box Further details on the statement> you canspecify the reasons for no payment of holiday pay/leave compensation orseverance pay. These entries are optional and are only accounted for ifthe conditions are met (Example: The employee did not receive holidaypay or leave compensation according to the deregistration with thesocial insurance in SI Notification Supplements A> infotype(0367). If different reasons apply to different employees, you must carry outthe report for these employees individually. You find detailed information on the individual fields in the F1 help.Example of working with the report You have created an original statement for an employee. This statementis saved to the table T5A9A> (Statements Issued (A)) with thevalue O> (Original). However, you find incorrect data in theissued statement. It must be corrected. Proceed as follows: Correct the error in the employee's master data. Restart the report for the employee. Select the fields Correcterror> and Test form>. The report displays the test form. If the data displayed is correct, run the report for the employee.Select the fields Correct errors> and Productive form>. The report creates the statement with the corrected data. The newstatement is saved to the table T5A9A> with the value O > (Original). In the table T5A9A>, the indicator for the statement withincorrect data changes from the value O> to the value S>.Collect the statements with incorrect data and destroy them.Explanation of the fields on the form
- Regional branch:> Reserved for unemployment office
- Unemployment registration on:> Reserved for unemployment office
- Insurance number:> ID number of social insurance
- Birth date:> Self-explanatory
- Start of employment:> Entry into the employment relationship for
confirmation (entry as regard labor statutes)
- End of employment:> Leaving date
- End of remuneration entitlement:>,,End of insurance obligation
leave compensation/factored leave compensation or end of severance pay;if no severance pay, then leaving date
- Employed as:>,,Profession as specified in SI deregistration
- Training from - to:>,,Start and end of the training time if the
employee leaving was a trainee
- Unemployed insured with:>,,Name of the insurance agency and the
employer's account number with the SI
- Reason for end of employment relationship:>,,Reason for leaving
as specified in the SI deregistration
- Leave compensation:>,,Calendar days as they are used for payroll
and recalculated as working days (6/7)
- Severance pay:>,,Statutory duration of SI as specified in the SI
- Payments until:>,,See End of remuneration entitlement