Purpose You can use this report to execute a process for test purposes without aPortal environment or form application; in this way, you can test thebackend functions. The report simulates the Portal and form environmentand replaces these by simply displaying a list of the form fields. Thebehavior differs from the display in the Portal with regard to thefollowing:
- The system displays all> configured form fields. This includes the
fields that normally do not appear on the form.
- The system displays all form fields as ready for input>. This also
includes the fields that do not appear on the form at all or only appearfor display purposes. The system displays the same functions in the toolbar that are alsoavailable in a Portal and form environment. You can use the report to either start a new process or continue withthe current process step of a process that has already been started. Unlike in the Portal environment, you can also use the report to executeall> steps of a process one after another. When a step iscompleted, the report searches independently for the work item createdfor the next processing step and executes it. In other words, you canexecute the entire process just by logging on to the system. Theprerequisite for this, however, is that your user has sufficientauthorization to execute all process steps. Caution> The report only simulates the UI environment (Portal, form, and so on).The process itself is not simulated; it is really executed. Therefore,use this report in your test system only and not in the productionsystem.Prerequisites You have configured a process completely in Customizing for HRAdministrative Services> under Configuration of Forms/Processes >. In other words, the process, the workflow, and also the ISRscenario and form scenario are completely set up.Selection You can either start a new process or continue with an existing process. To start a new process, the following selection parameters areavailable:
- Process>
Enter the name of the process.
- Personnel Number>
Enter the personnel number of the employee for whom the process is to bestarted. If this process is for a new hire, you must leave this fieldempty. To continue with an existing process, the following selection parametersare available:
- Process Reference Number>
Enter the reference number of the process. The system automaticallysearches for the next process step to be executed. If the process hasparallel branches, it is possible that several steps can besimultaneously available for execution. In this case, the steps areprocessed one after another in a random order. If this is the case, itis more convenient to identify the next process step using the ID of thework item.
- Work Item ID>
Enter the work item ID of the process step that you want to execute. Youshould not use the process reference number and the work item ID at thesame time. If this is the case, the work item ID has precedence.Activities Execute the report. The system displays the contents of the form fieldsin the form of a list that is ready for input. You can change the valuesof the form fields or execute the required functions using the toolbar(for example, Review, Send, Approve, Reject, and so on). If value helpsexist for the fields, the system displays them. Functions for adding,displaying, and deleting attachments are also provided. Once you complete the dialog step, the system searches for the nextdialog step (work item) triggered by the workflow and provides it forprocessing. Note> If the system cannot automatically find a work item that is createdduring a dialog step, you must check the corresponding workflowenvironment and use the work item ID that you find there to start thereport again.