Purpose You can use this program to copy, delete, and transportform scenarios> and to compare form scenariosbetween different clients. In doing so, these functions are not used just for the form scenario,but also for the components linked to the form scenario such as the ISPscenario, the form, and the Customizing of the backend services. Each ofthese components has its own maintenance interface. This program enablesyou to manage the individual components as a whole.Prerequisites You have defined a form scenario using the IMG activityCreate Form Scenario>. The form scenario isusually linked with an ISR scenario that you created using the IMGactivity Create ISR Scenario>. Generallyspeaking, one form was defined for the ISR scenario. In addition, theform scenario uses one or more backend services with correspondingCustomizing.Selection The program supports the following functions:
- Create New Version>
- Transfer From Other Client>
- Copy Form Scenario>
- Delete Form Scenario>
- Transport Form Scenario>
Select the required function using the relevant radio button. Inprinciple, you can use each of the functions either for a specificversion of the form scenario or for all versions. Radio buttons are alsoavailable to select the version. You have the following options:
- Special Version>
Specify explicitly the number of the version for which you want toexecute the function.
- Last Existing Version>
The system searches for the version with the highest number and displaysthis version. The selected function is used on this version.
- All Versions>
Select this radio button if you want to use the function for allexisting versions of the form scenario. The All Versions> optionis not permitted for the Create New Version> function. For most of the functions, you have the option of copying the form aswell as the form scenario and the ISR scenario. A form is controlledusing a so-called form interface and can only run together with thisinterface. If you want to copy the form, you must also copy theinterface. In the Form and Interface fields, specify the names you wantto use for the copies you are creating. If you do not enter anyinformation, the form is not copied. You should ensure that you do notuse the same form in different form scenarios. This generally leads toinconsistencies if the form scenarios have different fields and fieldattributes. The same applies for different versions within a formscenario. As a rule, you should therefore copy the form and theinterface when you copy the form scenario. The functions are described in detail in the following section.Create New Version Select the Create New Version> function if you want to create anew version for an existing form scenario. The new version is created asa copy of an existing version. Specify which version is to serve as thebasis for the copy. As only a single version can be copied, the AllVersions> option is not available. The system automatically determines the number of the new version. To dothis, the highest version number that exists in the form scenario isincreased by one. The highest valid version number is 99. Therefore, theCreate New Version> function cannot be executed for a formscenario that already has a version with the number 99. If you execute the function, the form scenario and the ISR scenario arecopied to the next highest version. You also have the option of copyingthe form as well. If you want to modify the form in the new version, youshould choose this option so that the form remains unchanged for theexisting version. Note that changing forms, ISR scenarios, and formscenarios retroactively can lead to problems if they were already usedin a process in a production system. If you want to copy the form, specify a name for the new form and forthe new form interface. The system displays the old names forinformation purposes. If you do not want to copy the form, leave theinput field empty. The old form is then also used in the copy.Client comparison Select the Transfer from Other Client> function if you want tocopy a form scenario between different clients. Enter the name of theform scenario and the source client. The target client is always theclient in which you are currently logged on. Choose whether you want to compare a special version or all versions ofthe form scenario between the clients. The ISR scenario is also copiedtogether with the form scenario. The form is not copied as it is alreadyavailable in all clients as a client-independent object.Copy Form Scenario Select the Copy Form Scenario> function if you want to copy a formscenario under a new name. Specify the name of the source form scenarioand the name of the target form scenario. The name of the linked sourceISR scenario is displayed for information purposes. You must alsomanually specify the name of the target ISR scenario. Specify also whether all versions are to be copied or just one singleversion. If you select a single version, then only this version istransferred to the target form scenario. There it is given the versionnumber 0. You also have the option of copying the form as well. This is stronglyrecommended as using the same form in two different form scenarios canlead to inconsistencies. Specify a name for the new form and for theinterface. The system displays the old names for information purposes.If you do not specify a name for the new form, it is not copied. In thiscase, however, the reference to the form is deleted in the copiedversion of the ISR scenario. This ensures that no inconsistencies canresult from the multiple use of a form in different form scenarios. When specifying the source form scenario, you also have the option ofentering the source client. This enables you to copy form scenariosacross clients. The target client is always the client in which you arecurrently logged on.Delete Form Scenario Select the Delete Form Scenario> function if you want to delete aform scenario and the linked ISR scenario. Enter the name of the form scenario that is to be deleted and choosewhether only one special version or all versions are to be deleted. Youshould never delete a version of a form scenario that was already usedin a process in a production system. For information purposes, the system displays the name of the linked ISRscenario that is also deleted. The form is not deleted automatically. Ifyou want to delete the form as well, you must do this manually using theForm Builder> (transaction SFP).Transport Form Scenario Select the Transport Form Scenario> function if you want to writea form scenario to a request in preparation for a transport. Specify the name of the form scenario that you want to write to arequest and choose whether this is to occur for one special version orfor all versions of the form scenario. Note that this function only writes the object to a request. You mustexecute the actual transport manually using the known transport tools. The Transport Form Scenario> function is only available if you arein a client that is set up appropriately to support the transport ofCustomizing data.Output When you have executed the desired function, the execution status andany generated error messages and warnings are displayed in the form of alog. Note The system checks whether you have observed the applicable name rangesand outputs any necessary warnings. All functions can be used in a form scenario that is not linked with anISR scenario. This should not usually be the case (as a form scenariowithout an ISR scenario cannot run in a process); however, it issupported. As the form is linked using the ISR scenario, the options forcopying the form are not available in this case.