Purpose You can use the Check Consistency of Processes> program(RPASR_CHECK_PROCESS) to check the Customizing settings that you storedwhen creating a process in HCM Processes and Forms> and theworkflow settings of the assigned workflow template. The program checksthe consistency of the settings and displays the result in a check log.Prerequisites You have made the settings in Customizing for your process. You have modeled, checked, and activated the assigned workflow templatein the table Configure Process Start> inthe Workflow Builder> (transaction SWDD). Note> The report checks, amongst other things, whether the values specifiedare valid in the step or rule data flow of the container elements. The following prerequisites must be met for the check:
- Values are assigned to the container elements FORM and
FORM_SCENARIO_STAGE of the interactive steps using one of the followingmethods: The values are directly assigned in the step data flow. The values are entered as initial values in newly created workflowcontainer elements that are assigned to the step container elements inthe data flow. The container elements created for the embedded formsmust be of the data type HRASR00_FORM_KEY_ELEMENT. These container elements must either be created at the level of theparent workflow template of the corresponding step or the top workflowtemplate if the parent workflow template is a direct subordinate step ofthe top workflow template.
- Value assignment of the other container elements of the interactive
steps must be maintained in the step data flow for the parent workflowtemplate. This applies to the following container elements: SEND_VARIATION SAVE_DRAFT_BUTTON_VISIBLE BACK_BUTTON_VISIBLE WITHDRAW_PROCESS_BUTTON_VISIBLE SEND_EXPERT_IF_INCONSISTENT
- The value assignment of the container elements of the background steps
TS17900109 (Export WF Container -> Form Container) and TS17900110(Import Form Container -> WF Container) must be maintained in the stepdata flow for the parent workflow template. This applies to thefollowing container elements: FORM_FIELD_NAME_1 FORM_FIELD_NAME_2 FORM_FIELD_NAME_3
- The meta rule AC17900012 is used for the determination of agents for the
interactive steps.Selection Process> Enter one or more processes. Check Embedded Forms> indicator> Set this indicator if you want to check the consistency of the embeddedform scenarios. Other Checks> indicator> Set this indicator if you want to perform other process-independentchecks. These include:
- Customizing error handling
- Customizing Case Management
- Standard workflow settings
Output The program displays the results of the check in a check log. If errorsor inconsistencies occur, the program displays appropriate errormessages or warnings in the check log. Activities Check your Customizing settings and change them if necessary. Then runthe program again to check your changes.