Description This report archives> long-term documentsderived from the creation of infotype logs for employee and applicantdata. The archiving object> is calledPA_LDOC>. Short-term documents cannot be archived.
- Selection>
When you create the archive, you can decide whether to archivedocuments for employee data, or applicant data, or both. You can also choose the period for which data must be archived. Theperiod refers to the date on which the document was written. The lastdate on which long-term documents were archived is displayed as adefault start date (depending, however, on whether you want to archiveemployee data only, or applicant data only, or both). The current dateis also displayed as a default. The report writes the date of the datarecord archived longest ago, and the date of the most recently archiveddata record, to internal archive management table ADMI_VARIA ( Contents of Variant of Archive Program>) so that it can use themto access archived data.
- Additional data>
This enables you to enter a short text that is appended as anadditional note to the archive to be created.
- Test options>
If you select the Test run> checkbox, the creation of a realarchiving run> is prevented. In a test run,the archiving run is assigned the number '000000'. After statisticshave been output, you are reminded once again that a test run wasexecuted. If you select the Detailed log> checkbox, a detailed log iscreated. Do not select this checkbox unless errors have alreadyoccurred.Special notes Do not archive data unless you are sure it will not be required again.It is technically difficult to subsequently access archived changedocuments, which increases the time it takes to access such data. After data has been archived by this report, deletion reportRPAR3D00> (PA: Archiving; Deletion Program for LongTerm Documents (PA_LDOC)) is run. It only deletes the data recordswritten by this report. Note: data records are not deleted if they arecreated between data being written by this report, and the start of thedeletion run. Data is not locked because it is only created once and cannot bechanged later. Report RPUAUD00> (Logged Changes in Infotype Data)enables you to display archived long-term documents. Note: accessingthe archive takes a great deal longer than accessing the database. This problem is exacerbated if
- There are many archiving runs
- The archives are too large
For this reason, you should archive data at sensible, regularintervals. Archives should not be larger than 100 MB. This report should only be started by Archive Management transactionSARA>. If you do not start the report this way, entries are notmade in certain Archive Management tables, such as table ADMI_VARIA.Precondition Archiving object PA_LDOC> requires that basis customizing hasbeen performed. The application itself has no further requirements. Data can bearchived while the system is running.Output The system outputs statistics on the archived objects. It displays thenumber of objects and the number of archived PCL4 entries, each ofwhich is 4KB. Therefore, the approximate size of the archive file is4KB x number of PCL4 records / compression factor. The compressionfactor depends on the data, so it varies from run to run. Note: as of Release 3.0, data is compressed in the cluster files, suchas PCL4. If you decide to create a detailed log, function group PAR3 outputs alarge amount of additional check data.