Description This report enables you to obtain a list of all vacancy assignments.You can display facsimiles and important data on applicants. Youcan also maintain the vacancy assignment status. Output The list contains the following data:
- Name of applicant
- Assignment priority of applicant
- Vacancy to which application is linked
- Applicant status for this vacancy
You can delimit the amount of data displayed by specifying selectioncriteria in the initial screen. The Receipt of application> field can be used to have the systemselect only those applicants whose applications were received withina given period. In the Data selection period> field you can specify the periodfor which the system is to read the records on an applicant. If youenter the current date here, you can edit the data records by accessingthem from the list. Note>: If you enter a key date in the Receipt ofapplication> field on the initial screen, the system only selectsapplications received on this date.