Description You can display and maintain a list of all vacancy assignmentsusing this report. Output The list contains the following data:
- Applicant number
- Name of applicant
- Applicant's assignment priority
- Vacancy being applied for
- Current applicant status for this vacancy
- New applicant status for this vacancy
You can change the status of existing vacancy assignments and alsocreate new ones. You can delimit the data displayed by specifying selection criteriain the initial screen. Receipt of application> - this parameter enables you toselect only those applicants whose applications took place withinthe time interval specified. Data selection period> - here you can determine the periodfor which the system is to read data records for an applicant. Ifyou enter the current date as the key date, you can edit the datarecords from the list. Note>: Please note that if you enter a key date in theReceipt of application> field in the initial screen, thesystem will only select those applications which were received onthis key date.