Purpose The Crediting Plan Configuration for Electronic Rating and Rankingallows the user to create Crediting Plans and Validations. TheCrediting Plans and Validations are used by the Electronic Rating andRanking report to effectively rate applicants against set criteria andrank them in the order of their performance and other factors. Theconfiguration transaction allows the definition of the infotype fieldsthat will be used in a given Crediting Plan, and the definition of anyvalidations or substitutions that will be based on the includedinfotype fields. A Crediting Plan is a group of infotype fields that are to bemaintained all on the same screen. The main benefit is that all thenecessary criteria to be checked for an open position can be accessedin one place. A validation is a set of customer-defined rules that theapplicant data will be checked against. This will allow the awarding ofpoints to an applicant for meeting criteria set forth in thevalidation. These points are added to a total score for each applicant.This score can be used to help successfully rank the applicants. Prerequisites For each Crediting Plan that is to be configured, determine thefollowing: Determine a Crediting Plan Number (6 digits) and Plan Text. The infotype fields that are to be evaluated. (These fields arerestricted to applicant specific infotypes with numbers in the ranges0000-0999, 4000-4999 and 9000-9999.) Any infotype fields that should be included in 'Display and CreditingPlan' or 'Crediting Plan Only' mode. Only those fields to be includedin the output of the final report should be checked as 'Display andCrediting Plan'. Determine if there are any fields that may be needed for use invalidating the applicants' information. If these fields are only usedin the Crediting Plan and not displayed, they should be maintained withthe value 'Crediting Plan Only'. Write down the rules that the data needs to satisfy in terms of Booleanlogic (using AND, OR, '<', '>', '=', etc). If there are rules that areneeded that cannot be furnished from the applicants infotype data, acustomer-defined infotype Additional Field can be defined and used inthe Crediting Plan and validation. Create any extra Additional Fields that are necessary. More informationcan be found in the IMG under the path Personnel Management -> HumanResources Information System -> HR Settings for SAP Query -> AdditionalInformation for Maintaining Functional Areas -> Define AdditionalFields. Example You wish to create a Crediting Plan that has the following fields: Infotype,,Subtype,,Field 0001,,n/a,,BUKRS(Company Code) 0001,,n/a,,WERKS(Personnel Area) 0002,,n/a,,VORNA(First Name) 0002,,n/a,,NACHN(Last Name) 0006,,0001,,STRAS(House Number) 0006,,0001,,ORT01(City) 0077,,n/a,,MILSA(Veterans Preference - aka Military Status) All of the fields to be displayed in the final report should be checked'Display and Crediting Plan'. For this example, you may want to nameyour crediting plan 'My Crediting Plan'. Enter Crediting Plan configuration via this report or throughtransaction HRPBSUSERRCONFIG. Highlight the 'Rating and Ranking Criteria' folder. Click the 'CreateCrediting Plan' button. Choose a Crediting Plan Number and Name(Plan Text). In this case, wechoose: Crediting Plan: 000001 Plan Text: My Crediting Plan Add fields and set the display attribute of the fields by selecting thevalue 'Display and Crediting Plan' if you want the field to bedisplayed in the final report. Select the value 'Crediting Plan Only'if the field is to be used in the Crediting Plan without beingdisplayed in the final report. If you would like to create validations for the Crediting Plan, you maydo so at this time. It must be done after the selection of the fieldsthat are to be included in the Crediting Plan. See the application helpfor the validations functionality for more information. Save your work. Activities Below is a description of the activities available in the CreditingPlan Configuration Tool. When the Crediting Plan Configuration tool isaccessed, the default view is the Overview. This view shows the basiclist of all the Crediting Plans that have been created and saved. In Display mode: Overview All Crediting Plans are displayed in a tree. The infotype fields thatare in the Crediting Plan may be viewed by expanding the nodes belowthe Crediting Plan. The Crediting Plan's node icon will be differentfrom the initial icon displayed with it if there is a validationdefined. The user may view the details of the Crediting Plan by highlighting theCrediting Plan node and selecting the 'Crediting Plan Detail' buttonfrom the application toolbar. The user may display the Validations by highlighting the Crediting Plannode and selecting the 'Crediting Plan' button from the applicationtoolbar. Detail view This is the view you have if you have selected to view the details of aCrediting Plan. The view shows the folder hierarchy that the CreditingPlan is in, and expands all of the fields in the Crediting Plan. Also,the details subscreen is displayed with the Crediting Plan Number andPlan Text. From the detail view you may perform all of the actions described aboveexcept for changing to the detail screen. Instead, you may return tothe overview by selecting the 'Crediting Plan Overview' button from theapplication toolbar. In Edit mode: Overview All Crediting Plans are displayed in a tree. The nodes may be expandedonly to the Crediting Plan level. In the overview, there are severaloperations that can be performed. Create a new folder. A new folder may be created under any existingfolder. To do this, use the context menu under a folder node and select'Create Folder' and the level on which you wish to create the folder.You will be prompted for the name of the folder. Move Crediting Plans and folders. You may move Crediting Plans andfolders using Drag and Drop functionality. Copy Crediting Plans. Highlight the Crediting Plan and select the 'CopyCrediting Plan' function from the application toolbar. You will beprompted for the new Crediting Plan number. After entering this value,you will be taken to the detail view for that Crediting Plan. Delete a Crediting Plan. Highlight a Crediting Plan or Folder. Selectthe 'Delete' button from the application toolbar. You will be asked ifyou want to delete the node and all of the sub-nodes of the selectednode. If you select a Crediting Plan, this will delete the entireCrediting Plan, including any associated validations. If you select a f older, it will delete all Crediting Plans and folders that are withinthat folder. If you should delete a Crediting Plan in error, exit theconfiguration without saving. Unfortunately, any validations are lostas soon as the deletion is performed, so it is important that you onlydelete Crediting Plans and folders that you do not need. Create or Edit Initial Validations/Substitutions. Highlight a CreditingPlan and select 'Crediting Plan' from the application toolbar. If avalidation exists, you will go to the edit mode of your existingvalidation. If it does not exist, you will be taken to a blankvalidation page for you to create your validation/substitution. Notethat substitutions are allowed only in the InitialValidations/Substitutions. Save your validations and return to theconfiguration. If you have created a validation, you will see an iconindicating the existence of your validation. Save. You can save any changes you have made. View Crediting Plan Detail. Go to the details of the Crediting Plan byhighlighting the Crediting Plan and selecting the details button fromthe application toolbar. The actions that can be performed there aredescribed in the next section. Detail View: This is the view you have if you have selected to view and edit thedetails of an Crediting Plan. The view shows the folder hierarchy thatthe Crediting Plan is in, and expands all of the fields in theCrediting Plan. Also, the details subscreen is displayed with theCrediting Plan Number and Plan Text. In addition, another tree iscreated on the right hand side of the screen. This tree contains thefields that are available for the Crediting Plan. You can do all of the actions listed in the Overview section above. Inaddition, you can also edit the fields of the specified Crediting Plan. Editing the fields in a Crediting Plan. The tree on the right hand sideof the screen has the list of infotypes that are available for theselected country code. To add an infotype to a Crediting Plan, drag and drop the infotype ontothe Crediting Plan. To add a subtype, open the infotype node. You will see a node that says'No Subtypes' or 'Subtype specified in Plan'. Drag and drop this nodeif there are no subtypes or if you want to leave the subtype field tobe specified in the plan. If there are subtypes, you will see a folderlabelled 'Subtypes'. The number next to it is the number of subtypes ofthe infotype. To add a specific subtype, open the subtype folder anddrag and drop the subtype onto the infotype. To add a field, open the 'Fields' folder below the infotype node.Select the nodes and drag and drop them onto a subtype. To set the display mode of the individual fields, check the correct boxnext to the field. To delete a node and all of its sub-nodes, highlight the node andselect 'Delete' from the application toolbar. Therefore if you delete asubtype, all fields below that subtype will be deleted. The similarstatement is true for infotypes, Crediting Plans and folders. If youdelete all fields below an infotype or subtype node and then go to theoverview, the information about the incomplete portion of yourconfiguration is lost. Returning to the detail view for the sameCrediting Plan will only show the infotype and subtype nodes that havefields attached to them. |