Purpose In certain situations, like filling a vacancy, multiple applicants mayneed to be evaluated using set criteria. This evaluation may be usedto determine the individual, or group of individuals, most qualified tofill a particular vacancy. The Electronic Rating and Ranking (ERR)report, in conjunction with the ERR configuration tool, accomplishesthis task. Description The ERR report processes a range of applicants in conjunction withstored formulas and evaluations represented by a Crediting Plan Code.These evaluations and formulas are created and maintained in the ERRconfiguration tool. After all applicants have been processed andevaluated, specific fields (determined in the ERR configuration tool)are displayed in a predefined format as the report output. Theinformation displayed includes the applicant number and the applicant'stotal score, a numeric value based on the evaluations and formulasprovided in the Crediting Plan. Data is displayed in a sorted orderbased on Score and Veterans' Preference (descending) and Applicantnumber (ascending). Prerequisites Selection Criteria:> Depending on the needs of the user, theselection criteria necessary to run the report may differ. If aspecific list of applicants is being evaluated, the applicant numberscan be entered into the 'Applicant Number' field (maintain multipleentries by clicking on the pushbutton 'Multiple Selection' to the rightof the field). If a vacancy is being filled, the 'Advertisement' fieldmay be used to specifiy a particular advertisement tied to a particularvacancy. Other selection criteria will return applicants as well, butfor the purposes of this report 'Applicant Number' and 'Advertisement'seem to be the most useable. No entry in the selection criteria areais necessary, however. If the report is run without specific selectioncriteria, the output will contain a listing of all applicants currentlyin the system. Crediting Plan Code:> This code must be included for the reportto run correctly. This code is created when the crediting plan iscreated in the ERR configuration tool. The crediting plan contains allthe infotypes, subtypes, fields, evaluation steps and substitutionsteps used in evaluating applicant data for a specific purpose. TheERR configuration tool may be accessed through an IMG step ( Payroll->Payroll: USA->Supplements Public Sector US->USFederal->Electronic Rating and Ranking->Configure Crediting Plans foruse with ERR>) or through transaction HRPBSUSERRCONFIG. Certificate Number:> This number is used to identify the finalreport (which can also be called a Certificate). The CertificateNumber should uniquely identify the certificate, using a combination ofnumbers that should include the fiscal or calendar year. Period:> A 'Key Date' should be entered in the field 'DataSelection Period' to allow applicant data to be accessed on the datespecified.Activities To execute the report, perform the following steps on the selectionscreen: 1.> Review the 'Data Selection Period'. This parameter defaultsas the current date but can be changed to any date as necessary. 2. > Specify Applicant Number(s), Advertisement or otherselection criteria to be used to return the group of applicants to beprocessed and evaluated. If fields in this selection area are leftblank, all possible applicants are selected and will be processed. 3.> Specify a Crediting Plan Code. 4.> Enter a Certificate Number. This number should incorporatethe fiscal or calendar year in some way. 5. > Execute the report.Output The report produces one main screen. This screen displays applicantinformation determined to be displayed in the ERR configuration tool.It also displays, by default, Applicant number and the field 'Score'(used to display the score an applicant receives from the evaluationsand substitutions represented by the crediting plan code). Informationis displayed in Score and Preference order, meaning the report issorted by Score and Veterans Preference (descending) and ApplicantNumber (ascending). Notes 1. > There are certain assumptions concerning the ERR reportselection screen. It is assumed that if selection criteria is used inthe report, that this criteria would include Applicant Number orAdvertisement. If Advertisement is used as part of the selectioncriteria, it is also assumed that there will only be one vacancy tiedto the Advertisement. 2.> Information detailing how to create a Crediting Plan usingthe ERR Configuration Tool can be found in the IMG ( Payroll->Payroll: USA->Supplements Public Sector US->USFederal->Electronic Rating and Ranking->Configure Crediting Plans foruse with ERR>). 3.> A suggested naming convention for the Certificate Numberincludes the Crediting Plan Code, the date (including the fiscal orcalendar year), and a sequence number determined by the user. 4.> A number of applicants processed in the report may not havedata maintained for certain infotypes, which could affect anindividual's score. A list of applicants and the infotypes that haveno data maintained can be accessed using the pushbutton with the 'ErrorList' icon on the report output screen. This list also includes anyother errors encountered during the report processing.Example Assume a crediting plan with the code '1011' has been created to aid inthe filling of a vacancy (posted as advertisement '00000019'). A userwould like to run a report to see the list of applicants available tofill this vacancy as well as the applicants' 'Scores' on evaluateddata. This user would also like to see any errors or messages that areproduced during the running of the report. Step 1:> At the selection screen of the report, the user shouldchoose whether to use the default date for the data selection period orenter another more appropriate date. The use should then enter theAdvertisement, '00000019', the Crediting Plan Code, '1011', and finallythe Certificate Number. For the Certificate Number, the user shouldcome up with a combination like the following - '200301011011' - thatmakes use of the date (including calendar year) along with thecrediting plan code. Step 2: > Click Execute. Step 3:> Review information in the main output screen. |