Description This report transfers the data from the applicant database to theemployee database. The system transfers all infotype records on the applicant databasewhich are valid after the hiring date, processing the individualscreens. If an error is identified, e.g. an entry for an employee isinvalid, the screen is processed in the foreground. All records forinfotypes 0002 (Personal Data), 0022 (Education), 0023 (PreviousEmployment), 0024 (Qualifications) and 0028 (Int.Medical Service) aretransferred irrespective of the hiring date. The infotypes specific toRecruitment (400n) are of course not included. Information on whetherdata transfer is to be carried out for an applicant is stored with theplanned actions for this applicant. If the applicant has a plannedaction with system function 'D' (data transfer) and the indicator forrecurring tasks has been set for the action, the system includes itautomatically when the program is next run. All actions for which datatransfer has been completed successfully can be marked 'completed' in afurther step. This is done by the program which can be accessed underTransfer applicant data -> Complete actions. No errors occurred for this applicant so his/her data can betransferred. The applicant is included in a list of all those for whomprocessing was successfully completed. The recurring tasks indicator isreset. Data transfer cannot be performed as errors occurred for this applicant.The applicant number is displayed in an error list together with theerror which occurred. The recurring tasks indicator is not reset. All fields can be overwritten during data transfer. |