Description The report Printing Labels for Applicant Correspondence> printsmailing labels for a specific group of applicants. You can print labelseither from Microsoft Word or as a list from the R/3 System. Theaddresses are formatted in accordance with the regulations of thecountry in question. If you intend to print from Microsoft Word, youcan specify the label format, label product and further formattingfeatures.Output Specify selection criteria for the applicants. Select whether you want to print from Microsoft Word or print a listfrom the R/3 System. Printing from Microsoft Word RESET N1 If you print from Microsoft Word, you can specify the font and fontsize that you want to use. You can also specify the following(optional): Label product: specify the serial number of a label product that isstored in Microsoft Word. Label format: specify the serial number of a label format that isstored in Microsoft Word. Number of blank lines: specify the number of blank lines that you wantto have printed in front of the address on each label. If you do not specify any of the above, Microsoft Word will selectstandard values depending on your setup. Note
- You can find out which settings are best for your printer by starting
the report with the test> option activated. This prints out 30addresses with the parameters selected.
- Since print parameters vary and since there aren't any parameter tables
in the R/3 System for printing from Microsoft Word, it is a good ideato use variants. To start the report, choose Program -> Execute>. A message appears stating the number of labels to be printed, andMicrosoft Word is started. Go into the Microsoft Word window. You will see the formatted address.Note Microsoft Word automatically opens 2 windows: 1 with the addresses andanother empty window that is of no relevance. If necessary, specify values for the number of printouts and otherprinter parameters in Microsoft Word. Start the printing process from Microsoft Word. Once your labels have been printed, close both windows. Printing from the R/3 System RESET N1 If necessary, change the default values for the printer parameters. To start the report, choose Program -> Execute>. To print, choose Output -> Print>. A message is issued stating the number of labels printed.