Description This report can be used to display statistics for all applicants. Output The report enables you to carry out evaluations on several levels. The statistics for the first evaluation level contain the followingdata:
- Status of applicant
- Number of applicants per applicant status
You can delimit the number of applicants displayed by specifyingselection criteria in the initial screen. The Receipt of application> field can be used to specify thatthe system is only to select applicants who have applied withinthe period in question. Data selection period> enables you to determine the periodfor which an applicant's data records are read. If you enter thecurrent date here, you can edit the data records via the list. Note>: Please note that if you enter a key date in theReceipt of application> field in the initial screen, the systemonly selects applications received on this date. You can further evaluate the statistics for the first evaluation level:
- You can display a list of applicants for each applicant status using
the Choose> function.
- The Action statistics> function enables you to display the
status of planned and completed actions per action type for eachapplicant status. Procedure>: Set the action types which you wish to includein the statistics in the selection screen which appears after thestart of the report. Then select the Continue> key toaccess the action statistics from this screen. You can perform a further evaluation of the action statistics: The Choose> function enables you to display a list of applicantsfor each planned or completed action included in the statistics. Procedure>: Position the cursor on the numerical value whichyou wish to select from the table in order to carry out the evaluation.