SAP Program RPAPDEL0 - Delete applicant data

This report enables you to delete applicant data.

You can choose whether you want to delete all data on an applicant oronly part of it:

  • Deleting all applicant data

  • To do this, flag Delete all. This deletes the following data forthe applicants specified:
    all infotype records including notes
    all applicant activities including notes
    all planning data from the Personnel Planning and Development component
    all applicant correspondence
    all optically archived documents
    • Deleting part of an applicant's data

    • To do this, flag Delete part. In the block entitled Objectsto be deleted, you must then select the objects you want to delete.You can choose between the following objects:
      all applicant activities including correspondence and notes
      all optically archived documents
      all planning data from Personnel Planning and Development
      the specified selection of infotypes including any accompanying notes
      If you only delete part of an applicant's data, please note thefollowing:
      The infotypes Organizational Assignment (0001), PersonalData (0002), Applicant Actions (4000) and Status ofActivities (4004) may not be deleted. These infotypes can only bedeleted if you delete the applicant entirely.
      If you delete an infotype which was assigned optically archiveddocuments in the step "Set up document types forHR" in the implementation guide for Personnel Administration, youmust also delete these documents. To do this, flag Opticalarchive in addition to the infotypes specified.
      If you want to delete the infotype Applications (4001), you mustalso delete the applicant activities, correspondence and notes linkedto it by flagging Applicant activities.
      Please also note the following:
      • If you specify a status among the selection criteria, the system only
      • selects applicants who have this status throughout the wholedata selection period.
        • You can run this report in two modes:

        • If you run the report in the test mode, the system simply lists theobjects to be deleted but does not delete any data.
          If you do not run the report in the test mode the data is deleted andcannot be retrieved. In this case you must specify your user name inthe Password field. The list output then only contains applicantnumbers for which errors occurred, i.e. where deletion could not becarried out or could only be carried out in part.