SAP Program RPAFRV00 - Time Events with Errors: Postprocessing

Postprocessing of PDC error records

Time events are uploaded into the SAP system using communication channel1. If time events with errors cannot be posted to Time Management, theyare collected in a pool of confirmations.

The report generates a list of the confirmations pools that are relevantto Time Management.

  • You can display the individual time events in a pool using the selection
  • function.
    • You can delete an individual pool of confirmations.

      • You can post an individual pool of confirmations again. Time events that
      • are posted successfully are deleted from the pool of confirmations. Ifall time events in the pool are posted, the entire pool is deleted.
        • You can delete an individual time event.

          • You can post an individual time event again. Time events that are posted
          • successfully are deleted from the pool of confirmations. If all timeevents in the pool are posted, the entire pool is deleted.


            Further notes
            This report is not usually started directly.
            If there are confirmations pools, a pushbutton for starting the reportis activated in the Time Management pool.