Description The report enables you to simulate the automatic account assignment ofgoods movements for a specific application area within InventoryManagement. Whereas you define each simulation scenario with the SAPtransaction OMB9, the report performs all simulations defined via theselect options for plant, valuation class, and movement type. You can limit the output to faulty simulations only. In addition, youcan specify whether or not to check account references in FI. To enableimmediate corrections, account assignment errors are both displayed oneach individual simulation screen and summarized for the entiresimulation run at the end of the report. The report also allows you to generate information about the usage ofaccounts. For example, if you enter '3*' in the field 'Use ofaccounts', the system only displays simulations that contain at leastone corresponding account reference. These references are highlightedon the screen. Unlike the simulation with transaction OMB9, the report only allowsselection via the selection criterion 'valuation class' and not via'material number'. Furthermore, only data stored in the database isreferenced, whereas the simulation with transaction OMB9 also takesaccount references into account that have been maintained but not savedyet. |