SAP Program ROIU_REQ_SELECT - Allocation Selection

You can use this report transaction to allocate a network in PRAProduction. When you "allocate a network", you are allocatingmeasurement point volumes to well completions in your network. Thesystem uses background processing to allocate the volumes in thenetwork.
To allocate a network, proceed as follows:
You first enter selection criteria on this screen and run the report,and then from the list that is generated, you allocate individualnetworks. You can start the report either using the delivery network asthe basis, or using the delivery network group as the basis. To use adelivery network group as the basis, select "DN Group".
1. On this screen ("Allocation Selection"), first enter your selectioncriteria for the following: delivery network, the product that youwould like to allocate, and the network or networks that you would liketo allocate, based on the subsystem in PRA, the allocation frequency,and the status of the network.
An explanation of the fields on this screen:
Network status:
- "Open" = means that you are interested in networks that have not beenallocated yet.
- "Closed" = means that you are interested in networks that havealready been allocated.
- Subsystem = the PRA application - either Production or ContractualAllocation.
- The production date = the run date or allocation date.
- "Allocated" = if you select this, it means that you are choosing anallocated network.
- Allocation frequency = Here, you select either monthly or daily.Daily actually means, "anything other than monthly".
2. After you have made your selections, choose "Execute".
The system runs the report and produces a list (on the subsequentscreen) of delivery networks that match your selection criteria.
3. From that ALV list display screen, you can select individualnetworks (the networks that are "open" do not have batch jobs yet), andthen select "Allocate Network" to allocate the networks that you haveselected.
If you select the "Final Allocation" box, the result of selecting"Allocate Network" will be that the network is then "closed" after thebatch job has been run. If you leave the Final Allocation box blank,running the batch job will only be viewed as a "trial run".
Note: If you just want to look at the network and see what itsattributes are, you can select the network and then select "Choose",and from there, you can view the process status, spool list, job log,message log, and network structure.

There has to be a network and well test data already set up.


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