Description This example shows a hierarchy with different coloring for hierarchicallevels. "+" and "-" are used to expand and collapse the list. Caution: This example is a preliminary status! It uses the functionmodules RS_TREE_CONSTRUCT and RS_TREE_LIST_DISPLAY. Colors: - The hierarchical titles can be stored with colors different dependingon the hierarchical level: = level 1: COL_HEADING INTENSIFIED = level 2: COL_GROUP INTENSIFIED = level 3: COL_GROUP INTENSIFIED OFF = level 4: COL_NORMAL INTENSIFIED = level 5: COL_NORMAL INTENSIFIED OFF = further levels: no coloring (COL_BACKGROUND INTENSIFIED OFF) Lines: - Lines are used for the display of the hierarchical tree. The treeextends down and to the right (horizontal tree). Verwendung This list type is used to display hierarchies in a form similar to atable. The coloring of the list is optional. If the list is displayed well inblack and white, you can ignore coloring. Examples See also list 620 (tree display) |