Purpose Use this transaction to display all the chemical analysis records thathave been created and saved to the database for a specified measurementpoint, delivery network, and date range. Chemical analysis is used with gas plants in PRA. It is used to createrecords in the system, which contain chemical analysis information ofthe components of product at specified measurement points within adelivery network. Natural gas flows into a gas plant within a gas plantnetwork. When you create a chemical analysis record, you can useuser-defined methods for carrying out complex allocation of physicaland contractual volumes to plants and lease owners, and for residue ofnatural gas liquids (NGLs). Chemical analysis allows componentallocation and multiple pricing capabilities based on a specific,physical volume of product. You can either analyze from the full product stream, or from productcomponent stream levels. When you create a chemical analysis record inthe system, you specify the measurement point that you would like tocarry out the analysis for, the date on which you would like to createthe record, and the summarization level. The summarization level is thelevel at which you would like to carry out analysis (examples: C6+,C7+, C10, etc.). You can create analysis records for either liquid orgas. Features |