Purpose This report is used to run a database search of the Common Table in PRA(Table OIUH_CM_TT), based on table group (PRA application) and/or tablename. From the Common Table Maintenance screen, when you run a selection (byselecting "Execute"), you are taken to the Table Group List. The TableGroup List is a list of all the relevant tables for your search (allthe relevant tables for that PRA application or that table name). On the Table Group List, when you select a table (the tables areunderlined in the list, and to select one, just put your cursor on theunderlined table name), you are taken to the "Type Detail" screen,which is a list of individual records for that table. Also on thatscreen, you can often access documentation explaining the specifictable. To access it, from the "Type Detail" screen, select the blue andwhite "i" icon. You can also search based on table name. For example, if you areinterested in revenue-related tables, enter *revenue* in the Table Namefield and execute your search. On the initial screen, you can choose from the following table groups(PRA applications): 01,,= Common Table 02 ,,= Production PR ,,= Production 03,,= Check Input 04 ,,= Regulatory Reporting CI,,= Check Input CM,,= Common CS ,,= Contracts RD,,= Revenue Distribution RR,,= Regulatory Reporting TR,,= Tax and Revenue Features |