Title Convert Existing TSW Locations to SSR Business Locations Purpose With 4.6C SP2, the TSW Locations will be implemented as SSR BusinessLocations. This report converts all the existing TSW Locations to theSSR Business Locations to allow them to be used with the new functions.You need to run this report once to convert all TSW Locations to SSRlocations. Prerequisites 1. All the TSW Location types (table OIJLOCT) need to be maintained aslocation types in SSR (table OIFSPBLT) with the same names. You have todo this manually in SSR Customizing. 2. The Screen Sequence Configuration for these new location types hasto be such that apart from the location name and country, no otherfields are mandatory in the "Address Detail" screen of the location.Thereport cannot handle any other field because TSW locations do notcontain any other information. 3. The number ranges for the SSR Location types need to be maintainedin such a way that the names of existing TSW Locations are valid(external number assignment for all existing TSW Locations, even thoughthe TSW locations may have been created with internal numberassignment). Before running the report, it may be necessary to changeexisting number range intervals. After running the report, the numberrange intervals have to be adapted again. Features The report reads data from the TSW Location table OIJLOC and calls thetransaction for business location creation (O401) using batch input.This results in the data being populated in OIFSPBL and a link betweenthe original TSW location and the newly created SSR Business Location. The report makes the following validations: 1. It checks, if there will be conflicts within existing TSW locationsthat are to be converted. Conflicts within TSW Locations can occur ifthey consist of numbers with a zero at the start, such as TSW location04711 conflicts with TSW location 4711. 2. It checks if the location type for the existing TSW Location existsas an SSR Business Location type. All existing TSW Locations areconverted to business locations with the name of the location type thesame as the TSW Location Type. If no it shows an error for thatlocation. 3. It checks if the TSW Location already exists as an MRN/SSR BusinessLocation. Depending on the 'Create new business location' programparameter, it either creates a new location with a new name (that isunfortunately not identical to the TSW name), assuming that theexisting SSR location is a different location to the one transferredfrom TSW, or it displays a warning for that location. This warningindicates that this location already exists and will not be changed,assuming that the TSW location is the same. In this case, it may benecessary to change the location type of the existing location withinthe SSR menu. 4. It checks if a location ID is all numeric or not, depending on the'Convert only alphanumeric locations' parameter. Note: This report can be re-run, so it is possible to start with strictparameters (for example, do not allow the creation of new businesslocations, do not use prefix/internal number assignment). If errorsoccur, you can run the report again with other settings or you can runit manually. Selection Default Country for Locations> - This is necessary as the TSWlocations do not have any address information with them and it ismandatory to enter the country for a business location. Hence a defaultentry for the country field is needed for all TSW Locations to betransferred. You may later change and enhance the address and thedefault country in the location maintenance transaction. Create new business location> - Relevant only if you haveMRN/SSR locations defined in your system - check table OIFSPBL. Setthisindicator if you want to create a new business locations with a newname, if one like that already exists and you assume, that the alreadyexisting locations are not identical to the converted TSW location. Itmakes sense to set this indicator only if you enter a prefix or chooseinternal number assignment. Do not set this indicator if you assumethat existing MRN/SSR locations with the same name as TSW locations areidentical. Convert only alphanumeric Locations > - Relevant only if you haveTSW locations defined with non-alphanumeric keys (digits) in yoursystem - check table OIJPBL. Set this indicator if you want to convertonly alphanumerical TSW locations automatically. If you do not set theindicator, all TSW locations are converted. Note: In order tosuccessfully convert all locations to business locations, the numberrange intervals for the newly created location types must exist andallow external number assignment for all existing TSW location ID's. Prefix for TSW location > - In case a location already existswith the same key business location (and you have selected 'create newbusiness location') or there is a conflict within TSW locations (suchassimilar names like 4711 and 04711, which is not supported by thebusiness location) and you have entered a prefix, a new location iscreated using this prefix. The link is established using theOIJLOC-PBLNR field. If you do not want locations to be created with anew name in case of conflicts, do not enter a prefix. In this case, thereport issues an error and modifications can be done manually. Use internal number assignment > - In case a location alreadyexists with the same key business location (and you have selected'create new business location') or there is a conflict within TSWlocations (such as similar names like 4711 and 04711, which is notsupported by the business location) and you have set this selectionindicator, a new location is created using internal number assignment. The link is established using the OIJLOC-PBLNR field. Ifyoudo not want locations to be created with a new name (in case ofconflicts), do not set this indicator. In this case, the report issues an error and modifications can be done manually.Output The output of this report provides information about the conversionstatus for each Location. It is a report with two levels and severalparts. Section 1 (info or error) : Occurs once for the report ,,Level 1: TSW Location conflict: Results in identical names ,,,,Level 2: TSW Location number and conflicting TSW Location Section 2 (warning) : Occurs once for the report ,,Level 1: Location already exists as a Business Location ,,,,Level 2: Location number and action Section 3 (error) : Occurs once for the report ,,Level 1: Location not converted: Location type does not exist ,,,,Level 2: Location and location type Section 4 (warning) : Occurs once for the report ,,Level 1: Location not converted: Location ID is numeric ,,,,Level 2: Location Number Section 3 (success/error): Occurs once for each location ,,Level 1: Location : Conversion status ,,,,Level 2: Details of message from transaction O401 ,,,,Level 2: Details of updating newly created link to location ID inOIJLOC-PBLNR |