Report for balance comparison between the excise duty-paid materialsand the Excise Duty Stock Account, after euro conversion.Description This report is used to resolve any inconsistencies that may arise fromthe conversion of local currency to euro. The report is linked to the standard Excise Duty Report ROIHEW30 (Listof Excise Duty stock values: balance display). The system compares thetotal of the excise duty values for all excise duty-paid materials withthe balance of the Excise Duty Stock Account and displays thedifference between the two values. The rounding differences determinedare displayed in the output and serve as a basis for manual postings toFinancial Accounting. This report should be run in the post-processing phase ('post') afterlocal currency conversion. During that phase, it can be started afterReport RFEWUC00. However, while the report is being run, you should notcarry out any excise duty valuation-relevant postings for materials, asthe report does not block the valuation segments. The report should bestarted in background mode. Output If the report finds rounding differences between the total excise dutyvalue for all excise duty-paid materials and the Excise Duty StockAccount Balance in Financial Accounting, the report status is set toERR. Any differences that are found must be adjusted in Financial Accountingmanually, using a euro difference account. |