Report for balance comparison between excise duty-paid materials andThe Excise Duty Stock Account, before euro conversion.Description This report is linked to the standard Excise Duty Report ROIHEW30 (listof excise duty stock values: balance display). The system compares thetotal of the excise duty values for all excise duty-paid materials withthe balance of the excise duty stock account and outputs thedifference. The differences for each excise duty stock account in each company codeshould be zero. The report should be run in the 'analyze phase' (before the actualconversion). During that phase, it can be started without using otherreports. However, while the report is being run, you should not carryout any excise duty valuation-relevant postings for materials, as thereport does not block the valuation segments. The report should bestarted in backround mode. Output If the report finds differences between the total excise duty value forall excise duty-paid materials and the Excise Duty Stock Account, thereport status is set to ERR and conversion is not allowed. To analyze the differences, you can run Report ROIHEW30>. IF &DEVICE& = 'SCREEN' Proceed> ENDIF The documentation for this report lists several of the possible causesof differences. |