List of Excise Duty Stock Values : Balance of Excise DutyDescription The report, ROIHEW30, compares the total of the Excise Duty values forall Excise Duty-Paid valuation records with the balance of the ExciseDuty stock account for a given Company Code. The report displays the total Excise Duty value for all ExciseDuty-Paid materials within the Company Code, the current Excise Dutystock account balance and the difference between the two values. In addition, the report can also display the current Excise Duty valueand quantity for all Excise Duty-Paid materials within the CompanyCode. Note: If a deviation arises between the two values, this can have one of thefollowing reasons:
- You have entered postings to the Excise Duty stock account manually.
- The Excise Duty stock account includes not only stock postings, but
also other postings. In this case, you should check the accountdetermination in the Customizing section of valuation. Make sure thatthe Exicse Duty stock accounts are used solely for the transaction keySV0> (Excise Duty Inventory). IF &DEVICE& = 'SCREEN' Proceed> ENDIF
- The account assignment for the Excise Duty stock accounts (transaction
key) SV0 was changed during productive operation; the respectivestocks,however, were not deducted from the old account (movement type562) and posted to the new one (movement type 561).
- Either the Calculate Tax or Account Determination fields in table OIH03
(Excise Duty Posting Control) have been changed during productiveoperation. IF &DEVICE& = 'SCREEN' Proceed> ENDIF PreconditionOutput For each Excise Duty stock account within the entered Company Code, thebasic list provides an overview of the total Excise Duty value for allExcise Duty-Paid materials and the Excise Duty stock account balance.The difference between the two values is also displayed. From this list, you can display a breakdown of the Excise Dutyquantities and value for all Excise Duty-Paid materials within theCompany Code. To do this, place the cursor on the G/L account andselect Environment -> Materials>. The system displays a reportlisting the Excise Duty quantity and value for all Excise Duty-Paidmaterials within the selected Excise Duty stock account.