Report ROIHEW21 is used to check the excise duty values for all exciseduty-paid materials (in the Euro Pre-processing / Analyse phase).Description This report is linked to the standard Excise Duty Report ROIHEW20(comparison of excise duty stock values). The system calculates theexcise duty value by multiplying the current excise duty rate(stored in Table OIH01 - Excise Duty Rates Table) and compares thatvalue with the excise duty inventory value stored in the Excise DutyValuation Segment. If there is a difference between the two values, itwill be displayed in the output of the report. The report should be run in the 'analyze phase' (before the actuallocal currency conversion). However, while the report is being run, youshould not carry out any excise duty valuation-relevant postings formaterials. The report should be started in backround mode. Output If the report finds any differences between the excise duty value inthe valuation segment of a material and the calculated excise dutyvalue, the report status is set to 'ERR', and local currency conversionis not allowed. If there are any differences, Report ROIHEW20>should be run to analyse the differences. |