Purpose You use this report to check the correctness and completeness of theinstallation of the SAP QCI RFC server program QCI_SRV for SAP RemoteFunction Call of external software routines licensed by the AmericanPetroleum Institute and the American Gas Association. You use thisreport to check the correctness of the SAP CALL SYSTEM set up forcalling external software routines licensed by the American PetroleumInstitute and the American Gas Association. Integration 1) RFC SERVER: The QCI RFC server program was generated by the RFC Interface Generatorand modified to call external routines of the QCI - Quantity ConversionInterface - for calculation of oil and gas product quantities andparameters. This program can also be called at operating system level with: qci_srv-h . SAP provides includes with dummy functions that can not be used for anycalculations. The original includes for oil and/or gas calculations mustbe ordered by the customer and licensed individually and compiled andlinked instead of the provided dummy includes. For more information, refer to note 619060 : "IS OIL - QCI : NEW RFCSERVER INSTALLATION GUIDE". You can use this report to check all routines whether they are installedand working correctly by selecting the "Test all external routines"radio button. . Supported functions: Provided by SAP:
- tabfden
- tabfvcf
. licensed by customers from the American Petroleum Institute (API):
- tab5a, tab5b, tab5d
- tab23a, tab23b, tab23d,
- tab53a, tab53b, tab53d
- tab59a, tab59b, tab59d,
- tab6a, tab6b, tab6d
- tab24a, tab24b, tab24d,
- tab54a, tab54b, tab54d
- tab60a, tab60b, tab60d,
- tab6c, tab24c, tab54c, tab60c
. licensed by customers from the American Gas Association (AGA):
- calcgs
- calcdl
- orifice
2) CALL SYSTEM For the CALL SYSTEM setting, executables astm.exe and agasap.exe arerequired, which usually are already present in your system if youupgrade from an older IS-Oil Release. If you carry out a newinstallation of an IS OIL System, SAP recommends the use of the RFCSERVER. Exception regarding the Production and Revenue Accounting (PRA) solution- For the PRA solution, the CALL SYSTEM setting is strongly recommended.If you need to build new executables astm.exe or agasap.exe, consult theIS OIL Installation guide. For more information, refer to note 619057: "QCI : External functioncalls using the CALL SYSTEM"Prerequisites Installation of the SAP QCI RFC server program QCI_SRV for SAP RemoteFunction Call OR Installation of executable programs astm.exe and/oragasap.exe to be utilized by the CALL SYSTEM setting. Selection You select the radio button setting in the area "Selection of testdata".
- If you choose "Test all external routines" and choose F8 (Execute) the
program executes function calls for all the API functions listed aboveand the AGA function calcgs and calcdl. The SAP functions listed aboveare not tested (These functions are provided for historic reasons only).30 scenarios are tested.
- If you choose "Test all API routines" and choose F8 (Execute) 28 API
scenarios are tested.
- If you choose "Test all AGA routines" and choose F8 (Execute) 2 AGA
scenarios are tested.
- If you choose "Test help for routines" and choose F8 (Execute) the help
documentation is displayed.
- If you choose "Test selected routines", more input screen fields are
made visible and available for input. You then enter one of the abovementioned and supported functions in the field: the name of thesubroutine or function and possibly your own test data (Parameter 01through 27). You do not have to specifiy and parameter. If you leaveParameter 01 blank, the report will use its own default data and displaythe result from the call when you choose F8 (Execute). Then you can copythat data as your own data into the parameter fields and vary theparameter values according to your tests. You can also set the number ofcalls for this selection to collect a time average per call to test theperformance of your system. In the area "Call Parameters" you either stipulate that the call isexecuted using the RFC server or the CALL SYSTEM technique.
- If you choose the RFC server setting, the value for the RFC Destination
is defaulted as QCI_SERVER and should NOT be changed.
- If you choose the CALL SYSTEM setting, the program uses the DIR_BINARY
path as it is defined in the profiles followed by the name of theprograms. If you decide to run the programs from any other place, youhave to specify the full path where the executables astm.exe and/oragasap.exe are located on the application server. To call an API or AGAfunction, the program will use the path of the related program. For helpwhen the path of the API program is not initial, the program calls thatexecutable to provide the help. If this path is initial, the programcalls the API executable for help.Standard_variants No standard variants are delivered with this report. Output Example: The list output for a test of TAB59B with the QCI RFC_SERVERlooks like this: DD.MM.YYYY Quantity Conversion Interface Test of external functions Using RFC destination: QCI_SERVER No errors detected, check the results. Export parameters: TAB59B 8.500000000000000E+02 2.000000000000000E+01 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------- Response from server: 8.500000e+002 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------- Number of calls: 001 If the RFC connection fails for a call, a separate error message isdisplayed and the parameters are not shown.