SAP Program ROIA_CHECK_FEE_HISTORY - Check and correct fee history entries (for zero value invoices)

This report determines potentially inconsistent entries in the feehistory table OIAFE, and optionally removes them from the database.

In detail, the report checks the OIAFE entries for all logisticsinvoice verifications (LIV) with zero quantity and value. It furtherdetermines
whether there have been any related goods receipt entries in the tableOIAFE and
whether there are any related fee conditions in table OIANF
Only if those two conditions are not fulfilled, the system willconsider the OIAFE entries as inconsistent.
NOTE: it is advisable to contact the mySAP Oil&Gas Support beforerunning this report.


On the selection screen, you can

  • specify a range of logistics invoice verification documents which the
  • report should process, and
    • you can choose to only display or also remove the potentially
    • inconsistent OIAFE entries from the database.
      NOTE: always run the report first without database update, and checkthat the issued list of OIAFE entries which is to be deleted from thedatabase is correct.

      The report will create a list of potentially inconsistent OIAFEentries.

507098Fee history inconsistencies for zero invoices