DEFINE &QS& = 'quantity schedule>'Description Report to list purchasing entitlements or sales obligation at contractor call-off level with several selections and options. The selection based on quantity schedule header data, independent ifexchange related> or not, but depends on theQS permission indic.>, defined for theMM document type> / SD document type> Normally, this report only lists the OPEN quantities or selectedmaterials for one deadline date entered, defaulted by the system date.
- The purchasing entitlements against the exchange partner (vendor)
- Our sales obligations against the exchange partner (customer) location.
The report uses Database Index 1 in &QS& Header Tables OIA05H (SD) andOIA06H (MM) with a material or partner key, etc.Selection
- "Material": input required, because &QS& header table index material,
partner is used.
- "Exg.Partner": The partner is the vendor/customer if "only without
exchange" or "List additional fields" and exchange partner within QSnot filled (means not exchange-related).
- "Order type/document type" for contract or call-off
MM - based on Table T161 SD - based on Table TVAK
- "Document" - purchasing/sales contract or call-off
- "QS Breakdown" - useful in combination with a specific "deadline date"
- "List all" / "only exchange" / "only without exchange"
"List all" - no check vs. exchange partner field in QS header data "Only exchange" - QS field exchange partner not initial "Only without exchange" - QS field exchange partner must be initial
- "Avail.qty. until" - normally only information about the
current period (-> selection deadline date), means ONE schedulingperiod with its data is listed for one document item - if thisindicator is set, the report select/sum all scheduling periods UNTILentered date. In this, case the report shows one entry for eachquantity schedule with summarized quantities until this date.
- "New page due changing CC/plant" - if not set, a new page only appears,
for different material/partner, otherwise a new page appears if one ofthe following values are changed: CC, Plant, Partner, Material.
- "Sum/List not qty. dependent" - With this option, you have the
possibility of selecting all the documents independent of the openquantity and totalling a sum for the scheduling periods until entereddate or for the current period (for example, select one exchange no.with this option, set the date to the year 2999 and set the option"Avail.qty. until" - no. of listed item(s) must be the samelike no. of item(s) of matchcode ID "O" for purchasing/sales documentsif you enter same selections). Pls. see &OUTPUT& -> "Colors" as well.
- "List additional fields" - additional information for each line is
listed based on quantity schedule header table, document header TableVBAK(SD)/EKKO(MM) and document item Table VBAP(SD)/EKPO(MM), thedocument item tables have to be used for the option "Select ExgNo" aswell, please see &OUTPUT&.
- "Open incl.intend.qty." - The quantity intended is also used in the
calculation of the open quantity, as if you created it using acall-off. (Follow-on document: Contract -> Call-off, Purchase order -> Goodsreceipt, Sales order -> Goods issue). At the present time (as Release1.0D), this field is only used in purchasing on the call-off level.Output
- Order by
Material, Exg.Partner, CC, Plant, Exg.Type, Valid to date of QS header
- Icons/Colors
@5D@ QS validity in the past, but open qty. exist, this output dependson the current system date and the validity period ('valid to' date) ofof the affected QS. @5C@ Called-off qty. greater than scheduled,means overdelivery appears,only possible if the option "Sum/List not qty. dependent" is set,otherwise the item(s) is suppressed. In this case, the open is alwaysless than or equal to zero.
- Without additional fields, all information based on the QS database
Material L15 AB-DIESEL Vendor AB-VEND 08.30.1996 Company code EXG1 Plant Purch. contract Scheduled Called-off Open qty + ====================================================================== 4600000072 000010 3,725.000 300.000 3,425.000 4600000161 000010 769.231 0.000 769.231 4600000168 000010 454.545 0.000 454.545 4,948.776 300.000 4,648.776 <-Sum line "+" = item line contains more than one scheduling lines from databaseTable OIA05(SD) or OIA06(MM). This indicator is set if for one item theno. of periods is greater than 1 (only possible if selection indicator"Avail.qty. until" set). For example, "L15" = Base unit of measure "Open qty" = Scheduled qty. minus already called-off quantity.
- With additional fields listed from QS database and document header/item
.. CC Plnt ExgT Otyp Periods ExgNo Valid to ====================================================== .. EXG1 B/L MK M 0001 24 12.31.1996 .. EXG1 B/L MK M 0001 125 03.25.1997 .. EXG1 B/L MK M 0001 127 01.01.1998 "Periods" = Breakdown indicator> and no. of periods,depends on the Selection deadline date> entered.The number of periods can only be greater than 1, if selection indic."Avail.qty. until" set (see output "+" indic.) "Valid to" date of &QS& header data.Example Dependencies Referenced documents> andScheduled qty.>