Description For the specified LIA documents, this report removes the quantity andvalue from the logical inventory table OIA07. The report ignores LIAborrow/loan items. This is necessary because of the program error that is described in SAPNote 488479. Note that you should only run this report for LIAdocuments that you have created before applying SAP Note 488479. Precondition NOTE: This report is ONLY needed if LIA balance adjustments have beenmade to buy/sell exchanges before implementing SAP Note 488479 (logicalinventory is also updated on buy/sell exchanges) . If you use thisreport for LIA documents created after installing this note, you getincorrect values in table OIA07. Output For each LIA buy/sell item the report shows the quantity and valuethat it would remove from table OIA07. However, it is possible to runthis report without updating the database; in this case the report onlyprints the data. NOTE: The value is calculated with the quantity and TODAYs movingaverage price. However, the moving average price may be different fromthat used when creating the LIA document.