Title Synchronize Status Fields NKSK-BSTAT with NKSP-PSTAT Purpose The report IS-H: Set IV Status> selects all insuranceverification documents that satisfy the selection criteria. The reportchecks the items for each of these documents. If all of the items have the status confirmed>, rejected>,or canceled>, the field NKSK-BSTAT must contain the value "1". Ifthere are still items with the status requested>, the fieldNKSK-BSTAT must contain the value " ". The report modifies accordingly all NKSK entries that do not satisfythese conditions. Related/secondary reports: RNUENDAB IS-H: Final Billed Cases with IV Documents with StatusRequested RNUNKSKK IS-H: Delete All IV Headers Without Items and VBRK Data RNUNKSPK IS-H: Correct All Confirmed IV Requests Without Percentageand PriceFeatures Output First run the report in test mode, and check the change log. For eachdocument containing errors, the system outputs a value for the newstatus and a value for the old status. The Action> field containsa text describing the action to be performed. |