SAP Program RNUX_472_TN02K - IS-H: Configure 4.72 Events in TN02K

IS-H: Configure 4.72 Events in TN02K

This XPRA must run for Release 4.72.
The XPRA should generate the event configuration for all clients andinstitutions in the table TN02K. For this purpose, the current settingsfor system and release are determined for each institution from thetables TN02A and TN02S and used to generate the corresponding entry forthe table TN02K.
Events concerned:
MMCO00 - Post Material Consumption Costs
DEB009 - Find Customer
The XPRA only creates entries for local SAP Systems and does notoverwrite existing entries.

The entries must be maintained in the table TN02E to enable the XPRA todetermine the relevant application.
The entries in the table TN02E are in the standard system.
You can run the program any number of times.