Title Migration Program for Enhanced Ins. Provider Head Office Determination Purpose This program migrates the content of the table fields ZENTR, ABREL andPOSTK of the table IS-H: Business Partners/Insurance Providers >(NKTR) according to certain rules into the table IS-H: InsuranceProvider - Relationships> (TNREL).Integration Insurance provider head office determination was enhanced for IS-HRelease 4.63B. You can now specify different head offices for aninsurance provider in relation to the institution and case type in theCustomizing table IS-H: Insurance Provider - Relationships>(TNREL). You can make this specification for different relationships between theinsurance provider and the head office: BIL> Invoices for the insurance provider are addressed to the head office. FOR> The head office is relevant for the forms. The system thus makes thedata available to the head office in the appropriate form structures. HEQ> The head office is relevant for determining the insurance provider whenimporting the healthcare smart card data, in order to find thesubordinate branch offices (insurance providers) in the hierarchy. 302> The head office is relevant for data exchange pursuant to §302 SGB V. Note that the relationships HEQ> and 302> cannot bespecified in relation to the institution and case type. Only a 1:1relationship between insurance provider and head office is possiblehere. This report migrates the content of the table fields ZENTR, ABREL andPOSTK of the table NKTR into the table TNREL according to the rulesdescribed above. If, after you have migrated the content of these fields, when you callthe transactions NG08 (Change Insurance Provider) and NG09 (DisplayInsurance Provider), the system finds an entry for the displayedinsurance provider in the table TNREL, the fields Hd Office>,HCS> and Forms> are not relevant and not active. In theirplace, a pushbutton is displayed for you to access the display and editfunctions for the insurance provider relationships in the table TNREL. In the system does not find an entry for the current insurance providerin the transaction NG08 (Change Insurance Provider), NG09 (DisplayInsurance Provider) and NG07 (Create Insurance Provider), the fieldsHd Office>, HCS> and Forms> are ready for input. Whenyou save the insurance provider data, the system automatically migratesthe content of the fields into the corresponding TNREL fields.Prerequisites The report is released for the country version Germany only and can beimplemented in IS-H Release 4.63B and later. You can re-run the reportany number of times. The report does not overwrite relationships thathave already been created in the table IS-H: Insurance Provider -Relationships> (TNREL).Features |