Description In IS-H Release 4.01, it is possible to assign several specialties toan organizational unit. The specialty category 7> is used forthis purpose. This means that all of the specialties of theorganizational unit with category 7> entered for previous IS-HReleases must be written to an assignment table. The RNUXFACH> program reads all of the organizational units forwhich a specialty of the category 7> is entered, writes thisspecialty to the assignment table TNKFO>, and deletes the entryin the organizational unit master data (table NORG>, fieldFACHR7>). You can check or maintain the assignment using the transactionSM30>, table TNKFO>, or using the transaction formaintaining organizational units.Output The program outputs the number of specialty assignments transferred. Note If the program terminates abnormally, it can be run again withoutadverse effect. |