Description This program only processs data of NPMI data transfer. Consequently, it is only relevant in Singapore. No changes are made inother countries. Changes are also not made if no inbound (received) NPMI data recordsexist. For inbound NPMI data records, the fields Message type> andMessage type code> (NTNR and DS301) are initialized with thevalues MRF and SNMRF respectively.Precondition To execute this program, you require the authorization S_PROGRAM withthe action SUBMIT for the authorization group specified in the programattributes. Output The program outputs the number of data records of table NC301S in whichthe message type was entered. If the program informs you that no changes have been made, no furtheraction is required on your part. This message indicates either that youhave not activated the NPMI data transmission, or that there was nodata requiring modification. Note If the program terminates abnormally, you can simply re-execute it. Theprogram can be re-executed after it has run successfully. In this case,the program no longer detects any data to be modified and thereforestops automatically. |