Description The report selects services and related requests for insuranceverification using the entered selection criteria. If you did not carry out the selection in TEST MODE, the program deletesall the selected records (services and dependent insurance verificationrequests, NLKZ records). THE REPORT DELETES THE SELECTED DATA WITHOUT QUERY, PROVIDED THAT YOU DONOT USE THE TEST MODE! Precondition IMPORTANT: Using this report is your own responsibility. In principle it shouldonly be used in the test phase. Not all dependent data is deleted, so aninconsistency in the IS-H System can result. SAP accepts no responsibility for damage which may occur when using thisreport. Selection Instructions If you use the option "CP" or "NP" during the selections, leading zeroes(0) must be entered! For the selection criteria, you can enter single values or intervals. If you enter a case number, exactly one case is selected automatically.In addition you can determine whether the entered selection criteriashould be excluded or included. |