Description You can use this program to include building units and the associatedtables in a change request. In doing so, you can choose an existingrequest or create a new one. You can select the building units according to the building unitidentifier, creation date, and the date on which they were lastchanged. Note You should only use this program if you are fully aware of therequirements, operation, and consequences. If necessary, please contactyour consulting partner or SAP Consulting first. SAP does not accept any liability for damages that can result fromusing this program. Selection Building units flagged for deletion are included in the request toallow the flag to be copied to the target system. The hierarchy, planning and fittings characteristics, assignedorganizational units, and the doors associated with the selectedbuilding units are also taken into account, i.e. the entry is added tothe request if the building unit key occurs in one of the associatedtables. SAPscript long texts for the comment field are also taken into account. Address data records stored in the central address management facilityare not included in the transport to prevent number range conflicts inthe target system. This does not pose a problem as long as the buildingunits are not changed in the target system. The identifier table is not included in the transport with the resultthat the identifiers must be redefined in the target system. When you select the building units, keep in mind that the selectionconditions are logically linked with AND. If you enter a date intervalfor both the creation date and change date, for example, those buildingunits that were created AND changed in the specified interval areincluded. If you want to select all the building units that werecreated OR changed in a given interval, you must execute the programonce with the selected creation date and once again with the selectedchange date. The request may then contain duplicate entries. This,however, is not a problem. The objects are not added to the request in test mode. Instead, thesystem checks internally whether they would be successful in an updaterun. If you have selected 'Test mode', you must still select a requestor create a new one. There is no test mode for creating a request. Precondition If you want to want to transport building units to a different clientor system, you must make sure that no inconsistencies arise, sinceconsistency checks are not carried out during the transport. You should always make changes in one system and then transport them tothe other. You should also decide on one transport direction: eitherfrom the test to the production system or vice versa. Do not mix thetwo! Since master data is based on Customizing data, you should alwaystransport the Customizing data first. For this reason, you shouldalways use the function for recording Customizing changesautomatically. Inconsistencies can still arise if you have already maintained buildingunits in the target system that are not defined in the same manner inthe source system, that is if they have a different identifier or werecreated in a different order. The order in which you create the unitsis important, since the address management facility assigns numbersinternally with the result that two identical building units in thedatabase can have different address numbers. Inconsistencies can also arise if you transport organizational unitswithout building units, since the assignments between theorganizational units and building units are incorrect as a result. The building units are transported with their release status, that is,if a building unit that is not released is transported, it is also notreleased in the target system. You should therefore release the unitsin the source system before you transport them and possibly again intest mode after they have been transported to the target system tocheck them. You should use this program for transporting minor changes. You cannotuse this program to transport deleted data - only existing entries canbe included in the transport request. If you have made major changes,or deleted data, you might consider transporting the entire tables byincluding them manually in a transport request. Please be aware ofpotential inconsistencies, and, if you have any misgivings, contactyour consulting team. Output The number of the transport request, the number of the task and thetotal number of records added for each table are output. |