SAP Program RNUTN00D - IS-H Test Report: Check/Copy/Delete Entries TN00D

You can use this program with regard to the IS-H screen sequence tableTN00D in order to:

  • List screen sequences

  • Check and delete duplicate entries for each screen sequence

  • Delete screen sequences

  • Copy screen sequences

  • Make mass changes to the attributes Basic flow and Goto
  • allowed.

    Lists of screen sequences
    If you start the program with Log output selected, but withoutselecting the options for deleting or copying entries, the program onlyoutputs a list of the entries found in the table TN00D.

    Delete duplicate entries
    The program checks the screen sequence table (TN00D) for duplicateentries of IS-H screen sequences. If you run the program in test mode,it only outputs a list of such entries. If you deactivate test mode,you can eliminate the duplicate entries (the first screen found remainsin each case).

    Delete screen sequences
    You can use parameters also to control whether the entire screensequences of an institution or a transaction should be deleted. Onceagain you can first output a list of the relevant entries by selectingTest mode.

    Copy screen sequences
    You can use parameters also to control whether you want the program tocopy an existing screen sequence into another institution. You alwayshave to specify the target institution into which the entries are to becopied. CAUTION: The program does not check whether there arescreen sequences already defined in the target institution!

    Technical information
    The program carries out database changes directly, that is the SAPupdate program is not used. Lock entries are not set and tableauthorizations are not checked.

    Caution: You should only use this program in the test phase. It canchange the operability of the IS-H transactions.