Description This report is used to determine data used for the quality assurance offlat rates per case and procedures surcharges. This data is mainly administrative data, and can be transferred bymeans of a user exit if the Test mode> option is deselected onthe selection screen. On the basis of the data transferred, you canthen address a special subsystem interface to process the qualityassurance data further. To find out how to activate the user exit, refer to the documentationon enhancement NQSFP001>. The selection options available include admission period>,discharge period>, a case number> range, and caseselections>. You can also restrict your selection to final billed > and discharged> cases.Precondition Please note that the data can only be transferred from the IS-H*Medtransactions to the user exit if the IS-H*Med component is activated inyour system. Furthermore, you cannot call up the user exit unless thetest mode option on the selection screen is deselected. The module number> for the relevant flat rates per case andprocedures surcharges must be defined in the Additional data -Special charge types> section of the service master. Only theseservices will be considered relevant and transferred for qualityassurance purposes. Institutions that bill by DRGs according to the Option Procedure2003> do not generate flat rates per case and procedures surcharges.In such cases, a service (flat rate per case or procedures surcharge)is determined for the combination of procedures and diagnosespertaining to the case. The temporarily determined service is used as aproposal in the evaluation. If the option date has not been specified, or if a period prior to theoption date is evaluated, the evaluation remains unchanged in relationto the previous procedure. If the start date of the evaluation period is identical to or after theoption date, the report uses the procedures and diagnoses for the caseto determine a service proposal (FR/PS). The evaluation then continueswith this proposal as if this were an actual flat rate per case orprocedures surcharge. If overlaps occur in the evaluation periods specified, an error messageis issued and the evaluation is aborted. You can only evaluate the dataeither according to the old procedure or the new procedure in oneprogram run.Output The program outputs a list containing most of the data transferred fromIS-H (and, if applicable, IS-H*Med) for the purposes of flat rate percase and procedure surcharge quality assurance. Please not that thislist does not contain all the data that was transferred to the userexit. This list is a 'hierarchical sequential' list with header and iteminformation. The header information includes the relevant case data;the item information contains all of a case's services that arerelevant to quality assurance and which have been assigned to a modulenumber. You can use the ALV tools> to make the list interactive. |