Description Retroactive price changes for services may give rise to invoice itemswith incorrect amounts. The price of a service changes when the elementsused to determine the price as part of the billing procedure change.These price determination elements include:
- The basic price of a service
- Conditions used to calculate surcharges or discounts
You cannot correct invoices that contain services that were billed forwith an incorrect price. You must either cancel the entire invoice (fullcancellation), or cancel only the items affected (partial cancellation),and bill the case again. You can use this program to determine and cancel the invoice items forservices whose price has been changed retroactively. Note The program does not calculate the price when determining the invoicesto be canceled. In other words, it selects the invoices on the basis ofthe specified selection criteria, and does not check whether the changein the price of a service contained in the invoice gives rise to adifferent billing price. For further information, please refer toexample 2.Selection criteria Enter the services (from the in-house service catalog) whose price hasbeen changed retroactively in the Changed services> field on theselection screen. In the Retroactive price change from> field,enter the date from which this change applies. The program then usesthis information to select the invoices to be canceled by determiningall of the invoices that were created after the specified change dateand which contain invoice items for the changed services. You can further restrict this invoice selection using the followingcriteria:
- Case selection
You can restrict the selection to invoices for cases that are containedin a particular case selection by entering the name of this caseselection in the Case Selection> field.
- Case number
To restrict your selection to invoices from individual cases, enter theappropriate case numbers in the Case> field.
- Billing date
You can restrict your selection to invoices with a certain billing dateby entering the required date or period in the Billing date>field.
- Invoice creation date
By entering a date or period in the Invoice created on> field, youcan restrict your selection to invoices that were created on a certaindate, or during a certain period.