Description The new surgical data transaction was released with IS-H Release 4.03A.With this release, the data model has been modified in the area ofsurgical data. The table NLOP, which documented the assignment ofservices to procedures and diagnoses in previous IS-H Releases, hasbeen replaced by three new tables. All dependent programs (statistics, for example) now access the tablesNICP, NLICZ and NDICZ instead of the table NLOP. This applies equally to all programs developed by customers. If this isnot the case, incorrect results are returned. To be able to use the new surgical data transaction and the existingstatistics, you are required to migrate the data in the table NLOP tothe new tables. For this reason, SAP recommends that you run this program in thebackground immediately after upgrading your system to IS-H Release4.03A. This program determines all data records in the table NLOP that havestill to be migrated and uses the data from the table NLOP> tocreate the tables NICP>, NLICZ> and NDICZ>.Non-migrated data records are recognized by the value of the fieldNLOP-MIGKZ. If this value is not 'X', the table entry in question is adata record that has still to be migrated to the new structures. The following data is saved in the new structures:
- NICP - Procedures for the case and movement
- NLICZ - Assignment of service to procedure
- NDICZ - Assignment of procedure to diagnosis
If the service from the table NLOP or the assigned movement or the caseis canceled, a record with the cancellation indicator set is created inthe table NICP. In such cases, the assignment tables NLICZ and NDICZare not filled. If the diagnosis in the table NLOP is canceled, an assignment of theprocedure to the canceled diagnosis is not created. If the program is run for one institution and one or more case numbers,an additional log is output, detailing the data records read from thetable NLOP and the data records created from these in the tables NICP,NLICZ and NDICZ. With these parameters you can migrate the data for a particular caseand check the result. If you run the program for all institutions and cases, a log is notoutput. The existence of the field NLOP-MIGKZ means that you can run thisprogram as often as you like. The program only ever processes the datathat has not yet been successfully transferred to the new structures. Once this report has successfully run it triggers the reportRN2UNLOM>, if IS-H*MED is active. By means of the tables NLOP and NLLZ the report RN2UNLOM>transfers anchor service-to-surgical procedure code assignment recordsor requested service-to-surgical procedure code assignment records toNLCI for the service-to-surgical procedure code records already inNLCI, and completes the procedure texts in the table NICP. The report RN2UNLOM> can also be called independently of thisreport, but only processes records for which field NLOP-MIGKZ is notempty. For more information, please read the program documentation on programRN2UNLOM>.Notes You cannot start this program in parallel in one client, since thiswould result in duplicate entries in the new table. Since as of IS-H Release 4.03A all IS-H programs (dialog programs,statistics, etc.) access the new structures, you must execute thisprogram immediately after upgrading your system to IS-H Release 4.03A.To avoid adverse effects on performance, you should only execute theprogram in the background> and when the system load is low. Please note that the new surgical data transaction is activeimmediately> after the data has been successfully migrated fromthe table NLOP. In other words, a user may have been processing a casewith the old transaction and a moment later the new surgical datascreen appears. You must run the program in each> client.Precondition Before running this program, you must maintain the technical numberrange for the object ISH_NICP> in Customizing. To do this, choose Settings -> Maintain Technical Number Ranges -> Object ISH_NICP>. Note that you should create the technical number range from0000000001> to 8999999999> for the object ISH_NICP. Theinterval 9000000000 to 999999999 must not be used.