Description This auxiliary program lets you scan the service-to-insuranceverification item assignment table for inconsistent entries in yourinstitution and lets you delete these errored entries. In general, you only need to execute this program if you use thefunction Extend insurance verification> with the option Extendimmediately> in your institution. Please also see the SAP Note 51192. This concerns an error in IS-HReleases 2.25 and 3.01. The error is corrected in Releases 3.02 and2.25/4. You can run the program again at any time.Precondition The report reads all of the entries in the service-to-insuranceverification item assignment table (table NLKZ) that satisfy thefollowing conditions:
- The transaction code must be initial or 'NK26', unless the option
Detailed selection> is flagged.
- The item number must not be '0000' (this would be a certificate)
- Institution and case number must satisfy the selection criteria.
The program checks the following in relation to the NLKZ records found:
- Does the service exist and has it not been canceled?>
- Is the service a case-related service?>
- Does the insurance verification document exist and has it not been
- Are the case for the service and the case for insurance verification
the same?> If one of the conditions listed above is satisfied, the program writesthe NLKZ record with a corresponding internal reason to the error table. The error table is now checked to see whether the assignments havealready been used in a billing document. If a billing document has notbeen created using the inconsistent assignment, this assignment can bedeleted. If a billing document has already been created, you cannot simply deletethe assignment. In such cases, you first have to check whether thebilling document has been canceled. If this is not the case, you need tocancel the invoice, and run this auxiliary program again.Output If the option Extended log> is not flagged, the inconsistent NLKZrecords are not listed. If Test mode> is enabled, no database changes are made.Note The program does not lock the case table, and, as such, should only beexecuted at a time when there are normally no modifications made to theinsurance verification data, service data and billing data. Recommendation Check if the program RNNKOS15 (Extend Insurance Verification) is used inyour institution and, if so, whether it was executed with the optionExtend immediately> flagged. If you are uncertain, you shouldexecute this auxiliary program. Do not execute the function Extend insurance verification> againuntil you have implemented the repair described in the note. Initially run the program in the background with the option Extendedlog> disabled. Analyze the log. If errored assignments exist for your institution, you should run theprogram in live mode to delete the inconsistent assignments. Dependingon the number of entries to be checked in the assignment table, theprogram runtime can be lengthy. If billing documents are to be affected, check whether the specifiedbilling documents are canceled. If this is not the case, you shouldeither cancel the billing documents fully or carry out a partialcancellation with respect to the invoice items in question. Carry outbilling again for these cases, and then execute this program again todelete the remaining errored assignments. Should you encounter problems, please contact the IS-H Hotline.