Description This program lets you create links between identical services for thespecified cases, or for all non-canceled immediate services in yoursystems. The program only takes into consideration services that are notcanceled, have the status 'actual', and are extended services. If a service has been entered several times for a case, these servicesare linked based on their chronological order. Thus in a series of suchservices, the program sets a link for the preceding service based onthe start date of the subsequent service. This linking is required in particular for billing. Whether or not thelast day of a service interval is to be billed for is determined by thevaluation formula and linking. In principle, services that haveidentical IDs (service codes) should always be linked. You can run this program in test mode or in live mode. Note that if yourun the program in live mode, database changes are made withoutconfirmation prompts. A record is generated in the program log for each case and servicecontaining errors. The log also shows whether the case has been theobject of interim billing or final billing. If you run the program in live mode, the fields NLEI-NBGDT>(start date of subsequent service) and NLEI-NBGZT> (start time ofsubsequent service) are updated for the services listed in the log. Thefield NLEI-UPDAT> contains the date when the program is run, thefield NLEI-UPUSR> contains the ID of the user who ran theprogram, and the field NLEI-TCODE> contains the program name, sothat you can locate the services changed by the program with a minimumof difficulty at a later date. Once the services have been corrected, you must cancel the invoices,and then repeat the billing run for cases that have been the object ofinterim billing and final billing.Notes If running this program for a number of cases, only do so at discreettimes and in the background. First run this program in test mode for a small number of cases, andcheck the result. Only then should you run the program in live mode forthe number of cases actually required. |