Description This report deletes building units from the database, and at the sametime ensures that the database remains consistent. If you run this report in test mode>, no changes will be writtento the database. If you select the Check movements> field on theselection screen, this will mean that the system will run consistencychecks on movement data. If you do not select this field, this mightresult in inconsistent data>> in your database! If, forexample, one of the "movement tables" listed below still containsentries for a deleted building unit, errors might occur when you try todisplay the corresponding movement, provisional appointment, or theplanning object, since the related building unit no longer exists. Only the building elements that you specify on the selection screen aredeleted. This means that, if you want to delete a hierarchy of buildingunits. you must select all the building units in this hierarchy. If you use IS-H*MED, you cannot use this report. This is becauseIS-H*MED does not have functionality for deleting building units.Precondition If you want to delete a selected building unit from the database, thefollowing conditions must be met: Movement data:
- No (non-cancelled) movements exist for the building unit in question
(table NBEW)
- The building unit is question is not used as a planning object in
outpatient management (table NPOB) Other data: