Description This program enables you to delete the transaction data of the IS-Hsystem for a client. You can delete change documents and restet numberranges in the process. The objects that are deleted or reset are maintained in an object tablein Customizing. You can create your own object sets for differentpurposes in this table. The standard system contains an object set named CR (Client Reset). Youcan, however, create other object sets (see below). Important: The deletion program only deletes data of the applicationcomponent IS-H>. Functions in IS-H also create data in othercomponents of the SAP system, for example in Sales and Distribution(SD), in Financial Accounting (FI) or in Controlling (CO). This datain other SAP components is not generally reset by this program.> Withregard to SD, this means, for instance, that you can only use thedeletion program if invoices have never been created or if existinginvoices are deleted consistently using other utilities! The program is generally not suited for creating a production client,since at present SD data (billing documents, etc.) cannot be reset. Youcan use this program in particular for purging a test client whoseapplication data has become inconsistent after Customizing changes.Warnung Thoroughly analyze the status of the client in which you want to executethe program. If necessary, contact your SAP consultant. Carefully read the documentation in full. Never use the program in a production client. It is essential to set theproduction indicator if one of your institutions is going live. Thisprevents the program from being executed. Before using the program, check the objects in the table TNOBJ that areaffected by the object you wish to specify. Make a client copy with master and transaction data as a backup. Initially run the program in test mode to create a list of the objectsto be deleted and the number of data records. Selection Screen RESET N1 You can make the following specifications on the program selectionscreen: Object (mandatory entry): name of the object set in the table TNOBJ. Test mode: If you select test mode, the program generates a list of therelevant objects and the number of data records, without making changesin the database. Procedure RESET N1 The program reads all of the relevant object entries for the object. The system checks whether each of the tables concerned: Exists in the DDIC Is not client-specific Is not too wide (see technical details below) When you execute the program in live mode online, a dialog box with awarning enables you to cancel the operation. This option is, of course,not available in background processing! An entry is written to the system log in live mode. Change documents are deleted (entries in the tables CDHDR and CDPOS). Long texts are deleted (entries in the tables STXH and STXL). Number ranges are reset. Tables are deleted. Addresses are deleted from central address management. Entries are deleted in status management. A log is output. Output For each object processed, the log contains a row with the followinginformation. RESET N1 Object type Object key Country version Comment Success (in test mode TEST) Number of data records (not for number range objects; for long texts,the number of long text objects and not the number of lines; for changedocuments, the number of document objects and not the number of lines). Precondition You must maintain the table TNOBJ in Customizing. This table is locatedin the Section Reset Client> of the IS-H Implementation Guide >.Technical Details RESET N1 Tables are deleted in blocks of 5000 records, each block followed by aCOMMIT. This value is stipulated in the field DEL_COMMIT in the programand can be changed using a modification should problems arise. If the program terminates abnormally when a COMMIT takes place, thedatabase can become inconsistent. Once you have corrected the cause ofthe termination, you can restart the program to delete the remainingtable entries. This block by block deletion involves the entries of the table to bedeleted up to DEL_COMMIT being copied into an internal table. This tablehas a single character field of length 2000. If the table to be deletedis wider than 2000 characters, a run time error occurs, which isactually trapped as soon as you have specified the use on the selectionscreen. In such cases, the system issues an error message ('Table & iswider than & characters. Please read the long text.'). The long text ofthe error message tells you the width required for processing. You canthen modify the length of the field LINE of the table ITAB at the top ofthe source code of the RNUMNDT0 program accordingly. Delivered objects OE, LK and GPA Object entries are delivered under the object names OE, LK and GPA forthe IS-H master data organizational units, building units and businesspartners respectively. You can use this program for deleting this master data. Note, however,that only the named objects are deleted. Entries in Customizing tablesthat are referenced to these objects are not deleted. For this reason,always check the table list in Customizing (TNOBJ) and the log list. Example: When you delete the organizational units, the organizationalunit-related form control entries are not deleted. Customer-defined object entries You can create your own object sets under the object names Z1 throughZ9. Note, however, that during an upgrade, the table TNOBJ can becompletely overwritten by SAP. For this reason, the object sets Z1 - Z9should only be used temporarily for a particular use. |